TableDataprovider in a dynamic created table

From: Mark Smits <>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 10:19:30 -0400


I'm having some trouble linking the input field in a table to the tabledataprovider when i'm generating the table from my backing bean. i am able to see the data in the table but when i edit it and submit it i still see the old data. I have tried everything but still cannot find the problem. Is this a known problem or am i doing something wrong?


<webuijsf:table id="UserTable" binding="#{TestBean.userTable}">
       <f:facet name="title">
            <webuijsf:staticText text="Users"/>

 <webuijsf:button id="testBVutton" text="Submit" actionExpression="#{TestBean.action}"></webuijsf:button>

Backing Bean:

package com.exmachina.quizengine.admin.beans;

import com.exmachina.util.woodstock.MethodExpressionUtilities;
import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TestBean {

    private List<User> userList;

    private TableRowGroup tableRowGroup = null;

    private TableDataProvider provider = null;

    private Table userTable = null;

    public void setUserTable(Table userTable) {

        this.userTable = userTable;


    public Table getUserTable() {

        if(userTable == null) {

            userTable = new Table();

            userList = new ArrayList<User>();
            userList.add(new User("Mark"));
            userList.add(new User("Remon"));

            tableRowGroup = createTableRowGroup();



        return userTable;


    public TableDataProvider getTableData() {

            provider = new ObjectListDataProvider(userList);

        return provider;


    public void action() {

        for (User user : userList)
            System.out.println("Old Name: " + user.getName());


        for (User user : userList)
            System.out.println("New Name: " + user.getName());


    public StaticText getText(String text) {

        StaticText staticText = new StaticText();
        MethodExpressionUtilities.setValueExpression(staticText,"text", text);

        return staticText;

    public TextField getTextField(String text) {

        TextField textField = new TextField();
        MethodExpressionUtilities.setValueExpression(textField,"text", text);

        return textField;

    public TableColumn getTableColumn(String id, String sort, String align, String width) {

          TableColumn col = new TableColumn();
          MethodExpressionUtilities.setValueExpression(col, "sort", sort);

          return col;

     private TableRowGroup createTableRowGroup() {

        TableRowGroup rowGroup = new TableRowGroup();
        rowGroup.setHeaderText("Content block 1 ");
        MethodExpressionUtilities.setValueExpression(rowGroup,"sourceData", "#{TestBean.tableData}");
        MethodExpressionUtilities.setValueExpression(rowGroup,"binding", "#{TestBean.tableRowGroup}");

        TableColumn col1 = getTableColumn("col1", "#{}", "textData", null);

        TextField textDataField = getTextField("#{}");


        return rowGroup;

    public TableDataProvider getProvider() {
        return provider;

    public void setProvider(TableDataProvider provider) {
        this.provider = provider;

    public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup() {
        return tableRowGroup;

    public void setTableRowGroup(TableRowGroup tableRowGroup) {
        this.tableRowGroup = tableRowGroup;

    public class User {

        private String name;

        public User(String name) {
   = name;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public void setName(String name) {
   = name;

