Re: Facelet Problems

From: Federico Vela <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:15:05 -0500

I myself will soon be moving to JSFTemplating, you could migrate if all
else fails. Good news: it supports facelets syntax!

Federico Vela

Oliver Wolff wrote:
> Hi all
> I´m writing a prototype using woodstock & facelets, details below.
> Some problems have been solved, thanks to this list, but some more
> remain:
> - AutoComplete: Works with plain JSP but with facelets throws
> "java.lang.RuntimeException: autoCompleteExpression must not be null"
> Source:
> <w:textField id="organisationInput" required="true"
> autoComplete="true"
> autoCompleteExpression="#{modifyUserBean.getOptions}"
> notify="modifyUserForm:userInputAlert,modifyUserForm:userGrid:organisationLabel"
> text="#{modifyUserBean.updateUser.organization}" />
> - w:Button: only with workarounds like using action attribute
> In General: It seems that attributes like autoCompleteExpression,
> actionListenerExpression, actionExpression do not work with facelets
> at all. Or does anyone have experience with working xxxExpressions
> with facelets?
> How to fix these problems?
> Regards
> Oliver
> Configuration:
> web.xml:
> <init-param>
> <param-name>javax.faces.LIFECYCLE_ID</param-name>
> <param-value>com.sun.faces.lifecycle.PARTIAL</param-value>
> </init-param>
> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
> + theme
> faces.config
> <component>
> <component-type>javax.faces.ViewRoot</component-type>
> <component-class>
> com.sun.faces.extensions.avatar.components.PartialTraversalViewRootImpl
> </component-class>
> <component-extension>
> <component-family>javax.faces.ViewRoot</component-family>
> </component-extension>
> </component>
> Page Header:
> <w:head debug="false" webuiAll="true" webuiJsfx="true" styleSheet="true">
> Container & Libs:
> Woodstock 4.3 build 6
> Facelet 1.1.15
> RI 1.2 09
> Tomcat 6
> JDK 6
> Eclipse 3.4
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