By design, style property as the JSF-attribute does not get pushed to
the underlying elements - it only applies to the top-most dom element.
If you need more control, you have to do it by yourself - retrieve the
DOM element by known id (
d="form1:tfUsuario_field") and
set a style on it.
Felipe Jaekel wrote:
I didn't figured out where to look at Firebug. Looking at
the rendered code, I noticed that the text-transform property is
applied to the span tag instead of the input tag.
<span id="_form1:tfUsuario">
<script type="text/javascript">
<span id="form1:tfUsuario" class="" dojoattachpoint="domNode" style="text-transform: lowercase;" widgetid="form1:tfUsuario">
<span id="form1:tfUsuario_label" dojoattachpoint="labelContainer"/>
<span class="TxtFldAutoCompAlignContainer_sun4" dojoattachpoint="autoCompleteAlignContainer">
<input id="form1:tfUsuario_field" class="TxtFld_sun4 TxtFldVld_sun4" type="text" dojoattachpoint="fieldNode" name="form1:tfUsuario_field" size="20"/>
<span class="TxtFldAutoCompListSpan_sun4" dojoattachpoint="listContainer"/>
2008/6/30 Dmitry Kushner <>:
it should work, although text-transform has never been tested. Have you
verified the the 'text-verified' is presented in final input DOM
element ( i.e. using FireBug CSS inspector?).
Felipe Jaekel wrote:
I'm trying to use the text-transform CSS property with the TextField
component, but it doesn't works.
Is there any workaround?
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