Re: [SOLVED] Does woodstock ajax require client side state saving?

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 19:41:05 -0700

Ryan de Laplante wrote:
> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>>> The javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD context-param in web.xml was a
>>> duplicate. Visual Web Pack put a ton of settings on one line
>>> including this one, set to server. Once I removed my dupe
>>> context-param and set the first one to client, the weird
>>> unexplainable behaviors went away. So I would say yes Woodstock does
>>> require client side state saving for some things to work properly.
>>> Ryan
>> Something to consider: in Mojarra 1.2_05 and above there is an option
>> to serialize the view state to the session when using
>> server-side state saving. See the 1.2_05 change log [1] for details
>> on the option. If you try it, I'd be interested knowing if it
>> resolved your issue. It may be preferable to use over client state
>> saving due to
>> the larger bandwidth usage associated with client state saving.
>> [1]
>> -rl
> So set javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD to server again, and add a new
> context-parm called com.sun.faces.serializeServerState set to true?
> I see that SJSAS 9.1 UR2 uses JSF 1.2_04. The update center
> doesn't show an update for JSF 1.2_05. Actually, the UC seems quite
> out of date. A lot of things in there are from almost a year ago such
> as OpenESB V2 Preview 3. Any suggestions on how to install the
> latest JSF? Oh.. I just found a page suggesting I don't use the
> GlassFish Update Center for the upgrade anyway, and to do a manual
> install. I'll try that out tomorrow:
The downloads section on the Mojarra
( site has an updater for GlassFish.
Just run the updater and it will take care of the rest.
> Apparently I'll need to upgrade JAXP as well?
You shouldn't have to. 1.2_05's parsing leverages JAXP 1.3 which is
included in JDK 1.5.

> Thanks,
> Ryan
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