Project Woodstock 4.3 Build 3 is Posted and Available

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 17:03:52 -0400

Build 3 of Project Woodstock 4.3 has been posted and links can be found
on the Download page.

A new Example-HTML has been started and will eventually contain
client-side widget examples for all the widgets. We will be creating a
war file for download soon.
We have also dropped Swedish as a supported locale for 4.3 and going
forward. The translations remain in the tree, but they will not be
updated going forward and will not be included in the combined L10n jar
we post each build.

The Ajax Tree and Ajax Tab components were not quite ready for Build 3
and have been pushed to Builds 4 and 5 respectively. The Roadmap has
been updated, but please note that the schedule for 4.3 is still
preliminary, as is the final feature list.

The latest version of the Release Notes for Build 3 are available from
the Download page, or from this link:*checkout*/woodstock/doc/release-notes.html

The Project Woodstock Team