Re: Help using CSS overflow property

From: Dan Labrecque <Dan.Labrecque_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 18:38:21 -0400

In regard to the table, adding an overflow style to the table's tbody
tag only works on Firefox. Although, you could use a div tag to scroll
the entire table.

That said, there is a table2 component in the works. This allows the
table body to be scrolled while column headers remain fixed. This won't
be officially released until 4.3, but you can try a milestone build.


Felipe Jaekel wrote:
> Anyone?
> Scroll bars are crucial for a good layout at this page I'm developing.
> 2008/5/14 Felipe Jaekel < <>>:
> I have a checkBoxGroup with lots of items, so I'd like to use the
> CSS overflow property to display a vertical scroll bar. When I was
> using NetBeans 5.5.1 I did it using a panelGroup (code below), but
> with NetBeans 6.1 it doesn't work. I also would like to use
> overflow with the Table component.
> <webuijsf:panelGroup
> binding="#{SolicitacaoAtendimentoTecnico.groupPanel2}"
> id="groupPanel2"
> style="height: 115px; left: 180px;
> top: 54px; overflow: auto; position: absolute; width: auto"
> styleClass="Lst_sun4">
> <webuijsf:checkboxGroup
> binding="#{SolicitacaoAtendimentoTecnico.checkboxGroupModulosContratados}"
> id="checkboxGroupModulosContratados"
> items="#{SessionBean1.modulosContratados}" required="true"
> selected="#{SessionBean1.modulosSelecionados}" tabIndex="1"/>
> </webuijsf:panelGroup>
> Thanks for any help,
> Felipe