Re: TableColumn sorting

From: Dan Labrecque <Dan.Labrecque_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 21:11:59 -0400

Jscud wrote:
> Dan Labrecque wrote:
>> The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) |length| tag might be useful, but
>> there are interoperability issues with JSTL and JavaServer Faces, so use
>> with caution. The JSF property resolver may not be able to evaluate the
>> EL expression after the JSP page has been parsed.
> Thank you for this information.
> then, how could i sort my tablecolumn on list size (too bad i cant use
> #{myList.size} in EL btw) ?

How would the JSF property resolver know what "myList" is? If "size"
were a getter method in a mapped backing bean, named "myList", you could
return an appropriate value.

Technically, sorting does not have to be performed on the DataProvider.
In fact, the Woodstock example app demonstrates a table that sorts on
checkbox values stored in a HashMap (i.e., using
TableSelectPhaseListener as a helper). The key is knowing the current
row of the table when your getter method is called. For example, you
could borrow the following code:

    // Get current table row.
    // Note: To obtain a RowKey for the current table row, the use the same
    // sourceVar property given to the TableRowGroup component. For
example, if
    // sourceVar="name", use "#{name.tableRow}" as the expression string.
    private RowKey getTableRow() {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        ValueExpression ve = JSFUtilities.createValueExpression(context,
            "#{name.tableRow}", Object.class);
        return (RowKey) ve.getValue(context.getELContext());

You can find this same code by clicking the "table/util/"
source link for the table example below.

In the example, the selected attribute of each checkbox tag uses an EL
expression which ultimately points to these getter and setter methods.
Ultimately, these methods get/set checkbox values in a HashMap (i.e.,
the TableSelectPhaseListener).

    // Get selected property.
    public Object getSelected() {
        // tspl is a variable for TableSelectPhaseListener
        return tspl.getSelected(getTableRow());

    // Set selected property.
    public void setSelected(Object object) {
        RowKey rowKey = getTableRow();
        if (rowKey != null) {
            tspl.setSelected(rowKey, object);

Note that the sort attribute of the tableColumn tag also points to this
code as well -- using another EL expression. When the user applies a
sort, the table sorts checkboxes based on the selected state, but you
could easily change this approach and return the length of your lists.
