Ajax table for large number of rows

From: <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2008 00:07:09 +0200


the new webuijsf:table2 is a great archievment towards a better user
experience under woodstock!

At the moment our firm is searching for a JSF component that

- is scrollable
- reliable
- able to manage rather large number of rows.

RichFaces, IceFaces and Simplica ECruiser have a scrollable data table.

But IceFaces seems to have problems with large number of rows, and there
some dobuts about the reliabiltiy current versions of the RichFaces and
Simplica ECruiser components.

So it is great to see that woodstock with version 4.3 has a scrollabel
ajax table as well.

Our customers have a database tables with upto 160000 rows and more.

We have implemented a lazy loading list, but the current version of table2
seems to
load page after page after page when scrolling down.

This leads to a rather slow process if there are just several hundred

Is there a possibility to scroll fast to - set's say - the last rows in
the table2, without loading all the
data in between?

Are there plans to implement such a feature in the near future?

