JSF parameterized includes
Hi everybody,
I was trying to include a JSF with params in another JSF, templating if
you prefer.
Both JSF use woodstock of course.
I've read in various forums that I could use jsp:include for that and
it actually works... to some extent...
As long as I have no parameters to give to the included JSF, there's no
problem at all.
I can access request beans for the including pages (with the correct
values I mean), I can run ajax calls (refresh and the like) on the
including page to refresh components on the included page, everything
runs fine.
But if I add an f:param to the jsp:include (say <f:param
name="testparam" value="#{BaseBean.test}"/> for example), I can't
get the param value in the included page.
I've tried various syntax found on the net (#{testparam},
#{param.testparam}, #{param['testparam']}), but none seems to work.
May be I'm totally wrong, that's not doable like that and I should use
facelets or something else for that.
Could someone please confirm (or infirm) that ?
Do facelets run well with woodstock ?
Anyway, during the last two days I tried various approaches to pass the
The easiest I found was to use a tomahawk component named AliasBean,
since I already have tomahawk in the libs for it's schedule component.
It works pretty well... to some extent...
As long as you submit pages, there's no problem, I can created limited
visibility variables that are made available to the aliasbean's child
But as soon as I try to use ajax calls on the aliasbean's childs
components (woodstock), these variables appear to be empty after the
Has someone already experienced such a setup ?
Did I miss an init-param or some other necessary setting ?
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,