Re: autocomplete feature for textfield not working?

From: Bill Edwards - Sun BOS Software <Bill.Edwards_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:02:40 -0400

I have been able to make it work using in my PHP test. This was
version 4.2.

Cathy Mucci wrote:
> I'm not sure if this will help or not. I received this info a few
> days back on adding autocomplete code to a test I'm working on:
> From Dmitry:
> Using autocomplete is 2-step process. See attachment below for
> excerpts from TLD docs, but in short autoComplete and
> autoCompleteExpression must be defined.
> In order to use it, fields must be bound like this:
> autoComplete="true"
> autoCompleteExpression = "#{AutoCompleteBean.getOptions}"
> where AutoCompleteBean is
> <managed-bean>
> <description>The backing bean for the field autoComplete
> example</description>
> <managed-bean-name>AutoCompleteBean</managed-bean-name>
> <managed-bean-class>autocomplete.AutoCompleteBean</managed-bean-class>
> <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
> </managed-bean>
> "Attribute indicating to turn on/off the autocomplete functionality of
> the TextField. Autocomplete would trigger the AJAX request to the
> component.
> Autocomplete will submit the content of the text field for server side
> processing that will be processed using JSFX partial lifecycle cycle.
> Providing of autoComplete options remains responsibility of the
> developer. Specifically, autoCompleteExpression needs to be set
> By default autocomplete is off."
> and for autoCompleteExpression :
> " Use the autoCompleteExpression to specify the method that will
> filter an autoCompleteExpression list, i.e. to produce new set of
> options to be rendered as autoComplete prompts ( see
> autoCompleteExpression) . When autoComplete mechanism is enabled ( by
> specifying autoComplete attribute), autoCompleteExpression method will
> be called using the Ajax mechanism in the background every time user
> changes the content of the field. Note that this requires
> autoCompleteExpression method to perform well. Also, it is recommended
> to limit number of options available to user as the return of this
> method - both for usability and in order to increase download speed.
> The value of autoCompleteExpression must be an EL expression and it
> must evaluate to the name of a public method that is defined by
> com.sun.webui.jsf.model.AutoComplete, something like: public Options[]
> getOptions(String filter) { ... } In this example, expression would
> look like this: < webuijsf:textField autoComplete = "true"
> autoCompleteExpression ="#{AutoCompleteBean.getOptions}"
> text="#{AutoCompleteBean.text}" label = "AutoComplete" id = "tf" />
> "
> autozoom wrote:
>> hello,
>> I tried the autocomplete function in 4.2 build 5, like this:
>> <webuijsf:textField autoComplete="true" id="textField1" style="position:
>> absolute; left: 180px; top: 252px"
>> autoCompleteExpression ="#{Page1.getOptions}"/>
>> where
>> public Option[] getOptions(String filter) {
>> Option[] ret = new Option[3];
>> ret[0] = new Option(1L, "uno");
>> ret[1] = new Option(2L, "due");
>> ret[2] = new Option(3L, "tre");
>> return ret;
>> }
>> but nothing happens when typing in the textfield; it doesn't seem to
>> be a
>> problem of code, it just doesn't fire any ajax call when typing
>> what am I missing?