Re: Session Expiration in IE6 and IE7 ...

From: Kenneth Suter <Kenneth.Suter_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 10:10:50 -0500

Dan Labrecque wrote:
> tonyweb wrote:
>> First problem: Session expiration
>> ----------------------------------------
>> After about twenty postbacks the session expires ( and variables
>> declared
>> inside SessionBean1 expire as well - they are all set to null ) and my
>> filter which checks for login redirects me to the Login page.
>> I followed the advice to block all cookies (setting privacy level to
>> maximum) but this does not solve the problem ... indeed in IE7 these
>> settings make a java.util.ArrayList in SessionBean1 being null at
>> first page
>> change: I use that arrayList for populating a Tree component which
>> does not
>> render ( error 500 ).
> I don't believe this is a Woodstock issue. JSF based web apps
> typically set the session timeout via a config property in the web.xml
> file. For example:
> <session-config>
> <session-timeout>15</session-timeout>
> </session-config>
I've noticed a similar problem with our application that I have not yet
had time to track down. Sessions seem to last a very short time before
they expire (sometimes just a few minutes) despite the fact that we
don't have <session-config> elements in our web.xml and Tomcat's web.xml
file specifies a timeout of 30 minutes.
