Project Woodstock 4.2 Release promoted to GA!

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:14:59 -0400

The RC build of Project Woodstock 4.2 has been promoted to the GA release.
Links can be found on the Download page.

We have also updated the artifacts for 4.2 in the Maven2 repository on to reflect it's release status.

While we have included all the localizations in the L10n jar on the
Download page, we are not announcing the ML GA of Project Woodstock 4.2
at this time.
The ML release is on track for announcement when NetBeans 6.1 ML is
scheduled to announce, in early June.

The Roadmap has been updated to reflect the 4.2 GA release, as well as
changes to the 4.3 schedule.
Starting with build 3 we are moving all remaining 4.3 builds out one week.

The Project Woodstock Team