Re: ayuda listas

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:46:27 -0700

One way would be to use the "binding" attribute for a parent container (like a PanelGroup) which uses the objects in the list to create child components.  There are other ways... if you have Java code showing what you are trying to do, this would help us help you.

Good luck!


Vanessa Black wrote:

I believe this could serve as a translation into English


Today I return to you all with the following problem

I have a list which is filled with objects that have 3 properties. One is called value, the second id, the third is type component(depending on if you render a text box, or "combo"(?)  or button). I'd like to know how to run through the list and render the controls depending on the corresponding type.

Help please
------------------------------- wrote:
Buen dia

hoy recurro a ustedes por el siguiente problema.

tengo una lista la cual esta lleno de objetos que tiene tres propiedades una
es llamado valor otro llamado id y el otro tipo de componente (si se dibuja
en una caja de texto o un combo o un boton etc), quisiera saber como puedo
hacer para recorrer esta lista y pintarla los controles segun el tipo que les

ayuda por fa

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Vanessa L. Black
Storage Platform Software Group
Sun Microsystems Inc.
Broomfield , Colorado
x72984, 303-272-2984
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