change in span id generation [was Re: multiple JSF portlet error: javascript init problem?]

From: Istvan Soos <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:56:46 +0100

I think I have found the source of the error: the portlets create span
tags with the same name, and the init javascript code collide. From
the sources I've sent earlier, both contain the following (and like)

<span id="j_id16"><script type="text/
">webui.suntheme.widget.common.createWidgetOnLoad("j_id16", ...

I suppose the initialization code cannot be bound as two (or more)
span tags will have the same id.

This leades to the question: How can we change / influence the id
generation of the components?


On Mar 19, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Istvan Soos wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using NetBeans to create a JSF portlet. At the moment I am able
> to deploy this portlet into Liferay, and if there is only one
> woodstock - JSF-portlet on a page, it just works fine. However if I
> add more (or duplicate the existing), the page components do not
> show up, so I suppose there is a JavaScript init problem if I'm
> using more woodstock portlet on one page. Could someone help me to
> evaluate this and help me to resolve? (One solution could be that
> somehow I can turn off the JavaScript side of woodstock? :) )
> I've attached two page sources: one is with only one portlet on a
> page, the other contains two portlet.
> Thanks,
> Istvan
> <
> liferay11
> .txt
> >
> <
> liferay22
> .txt
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