Re: Firebird Database and Visual Web JavaServerFaces

From: Andreas Rulle <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:22:16 +0100 (CET)


meanwhile I downloaded the source code and had
a look into it.

The DataProvider is marked red if the
TableDataProviderDesignState is broken, see the

According to TableDataProviderDesignState

        // Check if this is a broken DP
        }catch (Exception exc){
            dataProviderBroken = true;

the error message are written to the messages.log
var/log of the IDE.

The String "Firebird 2.0-WI-V2.0.3.12981 Firebird
2.0/tcp (rullea)/P10" was used by Visual Web
JavaServerFaces as the name of the DataSource in
the context.xml - File and as the name of the
DataSource in the <tableName>RowSet.

This caused execeptions when the connection was

After the name of the data source has been changed
to a string like "FIREBIRD203" the datasources
are not broken anymore and the table data is shown
in the HTML-pages.



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