4.1.1 menu bug?

From: Jason Suplizio <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:23:26 -0800

I have a menu component that opens when an image is clicked...

dojo.declare("ToolbarMenuButton", null, {
                    constructor: function(menuId,overImgSrc){
                        this._overImgSrc = overImgSrc;
                        this._menuId = menuId;
                    showMenu: function(event){
                            // Get the object from the event
                        var _btn = window.event ? window.event.srcElement :
event ? : null;
                        _btn.setProps( {src : '#{
facesContext.externalContext.requestContextPath}' +this._overImgSrc} );

                        // Get the menu based on its id and open
                        var menu = dojo.byId(this._menuId);

            var toolbarMenuBtn_#{btnIndex} = new ToolbarMenuButton(
"menu_#{btnIndex}", "#{button.imageOverSource}" )



The menu works beautfully (note: we created a custom facelets tag handler to
get facelets to support 'eventListenerExpression' attr, hence the "mycomp"
namespace wrapping the webuijsf menu component).

Only one issue, if the user resizes the window, the menu opens where it was
originally positioned on the screen, not according to where the event source
(the image) is located following the window resize.

This feels like a bug to me. Any thoughts?
