Re: Dynamic table sorting question

From: Jianbo <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:56:11 -0800 (PST)

Hi Dan,
I will have do more study on TableRowGroup's life cycle to understand why my
table sorter has been ignored.

All I want to do is to use my own table sorter (which is a subclass of
BasicTableDataSorter.) I want to override BasicTableDataSorter's sort(...)
method so I can plugin our existing sorting mechanism.

I understand how an object being compared and sorted. We have a complicated
working system that can handle many different kind of objects (their
converting, rendering, and sorting which is often involving something else
instead of only the object type itself). I don't want to rewrite them. So I
want to create a TableDataProvider with our data and perform all data
handling with our existing code and keep the TableDataProvider updated.
I have got everything working with icesoft. But I like Woodstock so much
that I really want to use it instead. I have just started trying it. I will
go back to my study then.
Thanks again.

Dan Labrecque wrote:
> Jianbo wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I tried more things again following your suggestion, but failed again and
>> again.
> You can see a live example of sortable Alarms in a table below.
> Here is the code we use to implement Comparator for an Alarm component.
> /**
> * Return zero if the severity of <code>o1</code> equals
> <code>o2</code>,
> * negative 1 if the severity <code>o1</code> is less than
> <code>o2</code>,
> * positive 1 if the severity <code>o1</code> is greater than
> * <code>o2</code>.
> */
> public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
> // Optimization. By definition if the severities or type's
> // are equal the Alarms are equal.
> //
> String type1 = ((Alarm)o1).getSeverity();
> String type2 = ((Alarm)o2).getSeverity();
> if (type1 != null && type1.equals(type2)) {
> return 0;
> }
> // Here we need to get the indicator from each object
> // and based on the severity level, and then call the
> // compareTo method. This method should have been from the
> // Comparable interface and not the Comparator.
> //
> List<Indicator> indList = getIndicators();
> Indicator ind1 = getIndicator(indList, type1);
> Indicator ind2 = getIndicator(indList, type2);
> if (ind1 != null && ind2 != null) {
> return ind1.compareTo(ind2);
> }
> if (ind1 == null && ind2 != null) {
> return -1;
> }
> if (ind1 != null && ind2 == null) {
> return 1;
> }
> // both ind1 and ind2 are null
> //
> return 0;
> }
>> Here is one of the things I tried:
>> I created my own MyTableSorter (but it doesn't do anything except
>> printing
>> out some info):
>> public class MyTableSorter extends BasicTableDataSorter
>> {
>> @Override
>> public SortCriteria[] getSortCriteria()
>> {
>> System.out.println("Sorter: getSortCriteria");
>> return super.getSortCriteria();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public Locale getSortLocale()
>> {
>> System.out.println("Sorter: getSortLocale");
>> return super.getSortLocale();
>> }
>> @Override
>> public void setSortCriteria(SortCriteria[] arg0)
>> {
>> System.out.println("Sorter: setSortCriteria");
>> super.setSortCriteria(arg0);
>> }
>> @Override
>> public void setSortLocale(Locale arg0)
>> {
>> System.out.println("Sorter: setSortLocale");
>> super.setSortLocale(arg0);
>> }
>> @Override
>> public RowKey[] sort(TableDataProvider arg0, RowKey[] arg1) throws
>> DataProviderException
>> {
>> System.out.println("Sorter: sort ");
>> return super.sort(arg0, arg1);
>> }
>> }
>> and I set it to the TableRowGroup (in
>> rowGroup.setTableDataSorter(new MyTableSorter());
>> When the table (dynamicTable.jsp, .....) is loaded,
>> MyTableSorter's getSortCriteria() and sort(...) are called. But there is
>> no
>> SortCriteria yet, so sort(...) doesn't do anything. So far so good.
>> But, when I click on column headers, the table is sorted by some other
>> sorter instead of MyTableSorter. MyTableSorter's getSortCriteria() and
>> sort(...) are never called again.
>> What happened? What did I miss?
> Obviously, I can't look at your app from here. However, the
> getTableDataSorter method of TableRowGroup, it will only create its own
> BasicTableDataSorter if one has not been set.
> Look at how your custom BasicTableDataSorter is being set. More
> importantly, when? After selecting on a sort, the control must be
> decoded. If the BasicTableDataSorter has not been set prior to the
> decode phase, the table has no choice but to use its own sorter. The fix
> could be as simple as marking your backing bean session scoped. That is,
> any properties set during the previous invoke appliaction phase must be
> maintained.
> In the TLD docs for TableRowGroup, you will find a "Life Cycle" section
> that explains how the table behaves in the JSF framework.
>> I tried to figure out the real sorter being used; so I changed (in
>> TableRowGroup rowGroup = new TableRowGroup();
>> to
>> MyTableRowGroup rowGroup = new MtTableRowGroup();
>> Where MyTableRowGroup doesn't do anything except printing out the sorter
>> object:
>> public class MyTableRowGroup extends TableRowGroup {
>> @Override
>> public TableDataSorter getTableDataSorter()
>> {
>> TableDataSorter sorter = super.getTableDataSorter();
>> System.out.println("Which sorter: " + sorter);
>> return sorter;
>> }
>> }
>> When the table first loaded, it tells me that MyTableSorter is the sorter
>> in
>> the rowGroup. So far so good.
>> But, when I click on a column header to sort, I get an exception:
>> exception
>> javax.servlet.ServletException:
>> com.lancope.jsf.tableBeans.util.Dynamic$MyTableRowGroup
>> javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
>> root cause
>> java.lang.InstantiationException:
>> com.lancope.jsf.tableBeans.util.Dynamic$MyTableRowGroup
>> java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl.newInstance(
>> com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl.restoreTree(
>> com.sun.faces.application.StateManagerImpl.restoreView(
>> javax.faces.application.StateManagerWrapper.restoreView(
>> com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl.restoreView(
>> com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase.execute(
>> com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase(
>> com.sun.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase.doPhase(
>> com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
>> javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
>> I am very lost.
>> Can you tell me what I did wrong and what I missed?
>> Really appreciate your help.
>> jianbo
> Please try the Comparator approach before attempting to extend
> TableRowGroup. I'm not prepared to support that just yet.
> Dan
>> Dan Labrecque wrote:
>>> I don't have any examples for you. However, BasicTableDataSorter tests
>>> if objects implement Comparator, first. If the sorted object implements
>>> this interface, you can control the sort. Otherwise, you could extend
>>> BasicTableDataSorter and provide that to TableRowGroup.
>>> Dan
>>> Jianbo wrote:
>>>> I have just started trying Woodstock dynamic table component. I am
>>>> using the /dynamicTable/ example which has a list of /Name/s.
>>>> Everything works fine with default sorting feature. But I want to do
>>>> my own sorting with my own comparator.
>>>> For example, I want to sort last name column in a different way (e.g.
>>>> sort by the last letter of last name. I know it is crazy but I just
>>>> want to know how to do it.)
>>>> I have tried several things: subclass /ObjectArrayDataProvider/;
>>>> subclass /BasicTableDataSorter/ and set it to my /TableRowGroup/; etc.
>>>> But none or them works.
>>>> I have searched and searched but didn't find an example.
>>>> Please help me.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> jianbo
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