dojo modal dialog

From: Kenneth Suter <Kenneth.Suter_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:36:09 -0600


In my Woodstock 4.2 application, I would like to create a client side
modal dialog using dojo. I cannot seem to create a div element of
dojoType 'dijit.Dialog' as I would expect (see the attached page). When
this page renders and the single link on the page is clicked, the
'dialog2' div is shown however it doesn't have any characteristics of a
dijit Dialog (page centering, modality, style etc.) and the Woodstock
button at the bottom of the div element doesn't render at all. I've
checked that the references to the dijit and dojo style sheets are
correct and Firebug doesn't complain about anything on the page.

Is is possible to use this functionality in a Woodstock application?
Has anyone gotten this to work?

