[Fwd: Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP2) Hangs with HTTP 1.1 and woodstock components for NetBeans 6.0]

From: Chris Fleischmann <Chris.Fleischmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 09:14:05 +1100

In particular, I notice the following in the ACCESS logs for glassfish
v2 ur 1:

chris_at_chris-laptop:/opt/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/access$ tail -f
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 404 1259
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
/resources/stylesheet.css HTTP/1.1" 200 1252
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 193
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 93
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
/theme/META-INF/dojo1_0_1/dijit/form/templates/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 43
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
/theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme4_1_1/images/other/dot.gif HTTP/1.1"
200 43
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 93
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 845
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 845
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:06:25 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 845

You will see there is a five minute hang before the next flurry of URL's
mainly pagination requests

"NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:06 +0000" "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 353
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 51
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 648
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 596
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 629
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 655
 "NULL-AUTH-USER" "16/Jan/2008:22:11:27 +0000" "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 819

<> 	*Chris Fleischmann*
Solution Architect
Software Practice
*Sun Microsystems Australia*
Level 7, 476. St. Kilda Road
Victoria  3004 Australia
Phone +61 3 9869 6452
Email Chris.Fleischmann_at_Sun.Com

attached mail follows:

Folks, I recently upgraded my woodstock components in NetBeans 6.0, All
went well, at least for my project development...

I have used the insert, update and delete tutorial using a MySQL table,
and notice that when I try to show the page in IE 6.0 that it does not
render properly, APPEARS to hang for upwards of five minutes, eventually
it does show the whole page... BUT in minutes. I also enabled HTTP
Compression in glassfish.

Turning off HTTP 1.1 seems to work, the page is slower to render but
works all the same in IE.

In Safari and Firefox, HTTP 1.1 works (with HTTP compression from
glassfish) without issue.

Reading google/forum postings, I see it could be a common problem -

og URL Get Connections and there not being enough.

Is it a case of the AJAX'ing and multiple URL request required to render
the table the CachedRowset etc?

Is there any workaround - obviously I cant ask my user base to change
their IE settings.

Once the page loads in the browser (after waiting for the "hang" to
finish), I can click "shift-refresh" and the page renders properly,
correctly and in a timely manner.

Your thoughts greatly appreciated.



<> 	*Chris Fleischmann*
Solution Architect
Software Practice
*Sun Microsystems Australia*
Level 7, 476. St. Kilda Road
Victoria  3004 Australia
Phone +61 3 9869 6452
Email Chris.Fleischmann_at_Sun.Com