You did not get my problem.
I did it .This is not my problem.
My problem is that after installing woodstock plugin ,there is some component in my page,OK?,but when i runing it,i get the blank page without any component ,and without any error.neither the basic component nor woodstock component ,they do not render.
----- Original Message ----
From: Tongayi Masunda <tmas777_at_hotmail.com>
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 1:59:04 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.hmmessage P
i 'd try setVisible for your accordion. seems to work for me.
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:16:11 -0800
From: khosro_question_at_yahoo.com
To: users_at_woodstock.dev.java.net
Subject: Problem with woodstock+VWP
.ExternalClass DIV
I go to
https://woodstock.dev.java.net/Download.htm and in latest release ,downloaded the netbeans plugin 6.o(component,and theme).
And install it.and create visual web project and drag and drop a
accordion component and run project,but see the blank page.Evan when i
drag and drop the standard component , i see the blank page(After
running).Before the installation i have not this behavior and every
component render properly.After uninstalling NetBeans and reinstall
Netbeans,and not install woodstock, everything is ok.
Please Help.
what should i do?
Thanks in advance.
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