Not sure if anyone responded to this? If so, please ignore.
This is a known issue and we're working on a solution. I suspect that
the underlying problem is due to Dojo forcing widgets to render during
the window onLoad event. When the ajaxZone tag is used, JSF components
are rerendered server-side as expected. This will output JavaScript in
the page in order to create the widget. However, the new widget does not
initialize until an onLoad event is generated. In this case, the window
onLoad event already occurred.
That said, you may be able to use the following JavaScript to help the
ajaxZone tag render widgets. (I believe you can use the eventHook
attribute of ajaxZone for callback functions.) Note that this is not a
public function and may be removed during the next release. However, it
should get you by until we can apply a better fix.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> AjaxZone and Woodstock
> From:
> "" <>
> Date:
> Sun, 30 Dec 2007 21:41:14 +0100
> To:
> users <>
> To:
> users <>
> Hi all!
> I'm experimenting with Woodstock and JSF-extensions.
> I've tried to use the jsfExt:ajaxZone.
> Without using Woodstock taglib all works.
> However when I use Woodstock tags it seems something goes wrong: no Ajax request takes place. Only full submit happens.
> Note, for simplicity I've tried to use:
> * only Woodstock non-visual components (e.g. webuijsf:{page,html,head,body,markup})
> * last woodstock versions (v.4.1 and 4.1.1)
> * NetBeans 6.0 and 6.1-dev-20071230
> Any hope to use AjaxZone with Woodstock?
> Please, help me (Woodstock+AjaxZone is very cool)!
> Regards,
> -- Marco
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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