Re: Woodstock 4.2 Bubble Component

From: Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee <Ratnadeep.Bhattacharjee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 15:36:39 +0530

Stephan Bardubitzki wrote:
> Hi Cathy, Hi Animesh,
>> You may want to look into your code that you may have changed after 4.1.1?
> I can assure you that I didn't alter my code after updating to Woodstock 4.2.
>> Lastly, '' is not used in any of the bubble javascript so I'm
>> not sure where this is getting set.
> My code, I have provide previously, is located inside a accordion component. If
> I'm right, for the accordion tab there is "" set with javascript.
I just checked - there is no set in the accordion component.
> According to the release notes of Woodstock 4.2 B1 there where some fixes made
> for the accordion. Maybe there is the root of my problem.
> However, here is more of my code with the accordion:
> <h:panelGrid binding="#{Surveillance.gridPanel25}" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="gridPanel25" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
> <webuijsf:accordion id="accordion1" style="height: 500px; text-align: left; width: 100%" toggleControls="true">
> <webuijsf:accordionTab contentHeight="28px" id="accordionTab1" selected="true" style="color: #c800ff" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel2" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; ">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel33">
> <webuijsf:staticText id="staticText9" onClick="return false;"
> onMouseOver="document.getElementById('form1:bubbleHomes').open(event);" text="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1_topic1}"/>
> </h:panelGrid>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:accordionTab>
> <webuijsf:accordionTab id="accordionTab2" selected="false" style="color: #c800ff" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab2}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel3" style="">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel34" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; ">
> <webuijsf:staticText id="staticText21" onClick="return false;"
> onMouseOver="document.getElementById('form1:bubbleRetailStores').open(event);" text="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab2_topic1}"/>
> </h:panelGrid>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:accordionTab>
> <webuijsf:accordionTab contentHeight="175px" id="accordionTab3" selected="false" style="color: #c800ff" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab3}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel4" style="">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel35" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; "/>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:accordionTab>
> <webuijsf:accordionTab contentHeight="175px" id="accordionTab4" selected="false" style="color: #c800ff" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab4}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel5" style="">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel36" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; "/>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:accordionTab>
> <webuijsf:accordionTab contentHeight="175px" id="accordionTab5" selected="false" style="color: #c800ff" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab5}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel6" style="">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel37" style="margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px; "/>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:accordionTab>
> </webuijsf:accordion>
> </h:panelGrid>
> <webuijsf:bubble id="bubbleHomes" openDelay="100" style="width: 400px" title="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1_topic1_header}">
> <webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel7" style="text-align: center">
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel42" style="font-family: serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle">
> <webuijsf:label id="label1" text="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1_topic1}"/>
> </h:panelGrid>
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel38" style="margin-bottom: 5px; text-align: justify">
> <webuijsf:staticText escape="false" id="staticText13" text="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1_topic1_desc1}"/>
> </h:panelGrid>
> <h:panelGrid id="gridPanel40" style="text-align: justify">
> <webuijsf:staticText escape="false" id="staticText15" text="#{msgs.accordion_surveillance_tab1_topic1_desc2}"/>
> </h:panelGrid>
> </webuijsf:panelLayout>
> </webuijsf:bubble>
> Thanks.
> Stephan