Re: Woodstock 4.2: Where is the Login Component?

From: Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee <Ratnadeep.Bhattacharjee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:02:34 +0530

Stephan Bardubitzki wrote:
> Hi,
> just downloaded Woodstock 4.2 Build 1 .nbms, the latest nightly build
> of NB 6.1 and installed the plugins. But there is no Login component
> in the component palette.

I have not checked in the design time yet (for lack of the right
images). The next build should have the component on the palette.

Frankly speaking for a component like "login" design time does not make
much sense as most of the work that a developer has to do is either
LoginModule implementations on the server side and/or javascript wiring
on the client side the JSP page. You are better off looking at the
sample examples in and
creating your own JSP pages.

Note that if you are using the default JAAS based backend you either
need to append your JAAS service configuration to an existing config
file or create a new one and set the file name to the appropriate property:"/path/to/file/login_conf.file

I just checked the example app - the actual examples don't work as the
JAAS config entry (mentioned above) has not yet been added. However, the
example src code is available for you to see and use.


> Stephan