Popup Menu Positioning Problem

From: Stephan Bardubitzki <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 22:27:05 -0800

Hi Venky,

today, I have downloaded Woodstock 4.1.1 as well NB6.1dev and build my
project again. It appears that the popup menu now positions correctly.
I also have the Themes not back to my project.


Hi Stephan,

Do you happen to have the code snippet for this?
I just tried to reproduce this problem in

By resizing the window size so that a vertical scroll bar always
appeared The menu always open correctly.
I did not see the problem that you mentioned on firefox or IE


Stephan Bardubitzki wrote:
> Hi,
> I have implemented a menubar for page navigation using popup menus,
> which works perfectly fine as long as the page fits the screen. As
> soon the browser needs a vertical scrollbar to display the page there
> appears a positioning problem. If I move the scrollbar a bit done and
> move the mouse over a static textfield the menu pops up far under the
> textfield. If I move the scrollbar back to the top the menu pops up
> right under the textfield as it should.
> I presume this is a problem which needs to be fixed.
> Otherwise, thumbs up for the Woodstock team!!!
> Regards,
> Stephan