Are you using Woodstock 4.1.1. Dan fixed it recently.
I'm using 4.1.
I'll definitely try 4.1.1 when builds become available. I tried building the
latest source myself, but I got tons of compiling errors (probably my fault)
and I gave up.
I did not see any compilation error. Try checking out the code again.
I am skeptical though that the client-side rendering of
thousands of static text fields in a table can ever be made fast, but I hope
I am wrong. My main hope for a while has been that the new table component
in 4.2 will solve most my problems.
Yes, Table 2 component will be really help. Earlier Dan showed me a
demo. It was really cool.
As Dan pointed out moving to client side technology helps Woodstock to
adopt other technologies,
not bound to just JSP, which in my opinion is a huge plus point,
compared to the small inconvenient
we face now.
- Winston