stuartr wrote:
> Dont understand you dan ?
If the backing bean is request scoped, subsequent refresh calls will not
retain local values as you might expect. Local variables will be set for
the current request, but unless the bean is session scoped, any values
you previously set will be lost. Therefore, I have to ask again; is your
backing bean session scoped?
> The backing bean is being invoked based on the refresh, I can see the
> getMethods getting invoked , however, nothing is updated at the client side.
> I have debug at the backing end to show me what is being returned to the
> client.
> I see the actual value being returned
> such as
> public String getVar1Value() {
> if ( cachedRowSetListener == null ) {
> rtn="initialvalue";
> } else {
> some work ....
> rtn = blablbal
> }
> logger.debug("The value being returned to client is "+rtn);
> return rtn;
> }
> I just sent the example to simplify what I was doing.
> Within the logger line I see the value changes. I also see the JSON response
> to the client within firebug, but nothing happens on screen. And when I do
> any alerts in my code in the client to check the values of the local dom
> object ( ie the hidden fields/text fields whatever ) they still have their
> old value.
Looking at the "logger" output may not be enough. The table iterates
over many rows, so I cannot be certain which component you're actually
dealing with. Looking at the response in Firebug may be your best bet.
If you can see the desired value being returned, via JSON properties,
then we can go from there. What does the response look like?
> Dan Labrecque wrote:
>> Considering your code is based on a local "firstTime" variable, is your
>> bean session scoped? If the bean is request scoped, "firstTime" will be
>> initialized similarly during each request.
>> FYI, instead of refreshing each hidden field separately, you could use
>> the following code, instead. Note that when the component id is not
>> provided, the refresh function acts as a reset. That is, the component
>> will be redrawn only using values set server-side.
>> newurlNode.refresh("toplevelform:j_id26:var1,
>> toplevelform:j_id26:var2,
>> toplevelform:j_id26:var3");
>> Dan
>> stuartr wrote:
>>> Sure
>>> What happens is that I generate a table using a binding and within the
>>> table
>>> there is a column
>>> which is a hyper link.
>>> I have defined an onclick to invoke a javascript function.
>>> I also have 3 hidden variables as
>>> <webuijsf:hidden id="var1" value="#{backingBean.var1Value}" />
>>> <webuijsf:hidden id="var2" value="#{backingBean.var2Value}" />
>>> <webuijsf:hidden id="var3" value="#{backingBean.var3Value}" />
>>> function linkClicked(row,data) {
>>> alert("User has pressed something on row "+row+" Data item
>>> "+data);
>>> newurlNode=document.getElementById("toplevelform:j_id26:var3");
>>> alert("Present value is "+newurlNode.text);
>>> // okay we have a drilldown on data within a panel of reports.
>>> rowDomNode=document.getElementById("toplevelform:j_id26:va1");
>>> rowDomNode.value=row;
>>> columnDomNode=document.getElementById("toplevelform:j_id26:var2");
>>> columnDomNode.value=data;
>>> rowDomNode.refresh("toplevelform:j_id26:var1,toplevelform:j_id26:var2");
>>> // now refresh the actual new urlnode to having a new value.
>>> columnDomNode.refresh("toplevelform:j_id26:var3");
>>> newurlNode=document.getElementById("toplevelform:j_id26:var3");
>>> newurlNode.refresh(); // get the value from the back end.
>>> alert("THe value should have changed by now "+newurlNode.value);
>>> popupWin =,'View File
>>> Link','scrollbars,resizable,width=700,height=900,top='+((screen.height -
>>> (screen.height/1.618)) - (500/2))+',left='+((screen.width-650)/2) );
>>> }
>>> Now I now that the backing bean is being called as by log4j output shows
>>> that the setter method is being invoked
>>> public String getVar3Value() {
>>> String rtn="INITIALVALUE";
>>> if ( !firstTime ) {
>>> some work...
>>> rtn="value from doing work";
>>> }
>>> return rtn;
>>> }
>>> Everything works all the way to the return statement. However the new
>>> value
>>> never gets reflected in the client.
>>> The client just stays at the initial value which was set within
>>> getVar3Value
>>> the first time the code was called.
>>> I have debug within the if block so I can see exactly what is getting
>>> called, the client just never updates the value .
>>> Also, I tried a hyperlink on the screen as per the examples within
>>> woodstock
>>> and I expected to see the hyperlink change however, nothing happens.
>>> Anyhelp appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> ( Ps Im using nearly all of the woodstock components within this
>>> application
>>> so im quite used to the syntax and model )
>>> Venkatesh Babu-5 wrote:
>>>> Could you show the code snippet for the ajax refresh you are doing.
>>>> How are you updating the server side data and doing the label refresh.
>>>> -Venky
>>>> stuartr wrote:
>>>>> Guys
>>>>> Im having a problem with any of the textfield, hidden , hyperlink etc
>>>>> to
>>>>> allow for ajax refresh.
>>>>> My code has an onclick which updates the server side, and then invokes
>>>>> a
>>>>> refresh on a label
>>>>> I have on the screen. Basically, the code at the back end bean gets
>>>>> invoked
>>>>> to get the new value
>>>>> for the label, and using firebug I can see the request.
>>>>> However, nothing happens at the client side. the label just never
>>>>> changes
>>>>> its value.
>>>>> Im using facelets along with my woodstock components.
>>>>> Stu
>>>>> Dan Labrecque wrote:
>>>>>> The prototype was available in the Woodstock milestone builds, but is
>>>>>> disabled for the official 4.1 release. It will be enabled again in the
>>>>>> 4.2 milestone builds as we complete the widget.
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> Lking wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Dan.
>>>>>>> Is this "table2" available for trying?
>>>>>>> On Nov 21, 2007 6:46 PM, Dan Labrecque <
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Not all components support this API -- please see the TLD for
>>>>>>> supported
>>>>>>> JavaScript features. There is a table2 component in the works
>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>> fully Ajax enabled and supports the refresh feature.
>>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>>> Lking wrote:
>>>>>>> > How can I get a client-side update with the Table component?
>>>>>>> > I was trying something like...
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> onChange="document.getElementById('form1:table1').refresh('form1:textfield1');"
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > but it doesn't work.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > thanks.
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