PopupMenu and Mouse Events

From: Stephan Bardubitzki <>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 21:32:25 -0800


I have a static text and when the mouse moves over a menu pops up. This
works fine.
<webuijsf:staticText binding="#{Index.staticText2}" id="staticText2"

onMouseOver="displayMenuOne(event); return false;"
#ffffcc" text="#{msgs.navigation_solutions}"/>

Now, I want when the mouse moves out of the popup menu that it disappears.
But it appears that as soon as the mouse moves over the popup menu this
effect already happens. Is this intended behavior or maybe a bug?

<webuijsf:menu eventExpression="#{SessionBean1.selectedAction}"
eventListenerExpression="#{SessionBean1.menuSelection}" id="popup1"
false});" submitForm="true"/>
