Question on Tree and TreeNode control

From: Brett M. Bergquist <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 14:07:07 -0400

I have a page that looks like:

| root | SomeInput * [ ] |
| | | OtherInput [ ] |
| + Home | |
| | | [Ok] {Other Action] |
| + Other | |

On the left is a Tree with Tree Nodes, and on the right is a form with
input fields
and button actions. The first field is required. I would like to be
able to
click on the "Home" node and navigate to a new page even if the
SomeInput field
is not filled in. So basically, I would like the action of the Tree
Node to be
fired before the conversion and validations.

Note that I do not want to use the "URL" capability of the Tree Node. I
to do some server side processing when the "Home" action is invoked so
I need to use the action expression.

I cant' seem to figure out how to do this. Any help will be greatly
