Re: CommonTaskSections columns

From: Venkatesh Babu <Venkatesh.M_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 00:44:26 +0530

This must be a bug with the CommonTasksSectionRenderer.
I believe the number of common tasks in your third group must be greater
than the total number of columns which is causing the problem.


 418 // For the case when number of common tasks groups is
lesser than
 419 // or equal to the number of columns, just renderer each
task group
 420 // in each column.
 422 if (cts.getCommonTaskCount() <= numColumns && count > 0) {

Please file a bug.

jcogan wrote:
>>> If I have 3 CommonTaskGroups and CommonTaskGroup #1 is not visible, not
>>> rendered or both the space is still reserved for the first
> CommonTaskGroup.
>>> I expected that the other CommonTaskGroups would be repositioned. (And I
>>> thought I saw this behavior at some point.) Should the CommonTaskGroups
>>> reposition if one or more of them are not visible?
>> The commontaskgroups should defenitely be repositioned. Are you seeing
>> this at designtime and runtime?
> Yes, this happens at design-time and run-time. Just to be sure, I rebuilt
> all the components from scratch and see the same behavior. If I build a
> sample just using all the default names and such it seems to work so there
> must be something about my usage that is confusing it. In particular, I
> have 4 groups and if I don't render 1, 2 and 4 the 3rd group shows at the
> far right.
> If it helps, here's the section of the jsp that defines the task section:
> <webuijsf:commonTasksSection
> binding="#{LoginComplete.systemAdminTasks}" columns="3" helpText="Select the
> appropriate task"
> id="systemAdminTasks" style="left: 24px; top:
> 456px; position: absolute; width: 800px" title="System Administration">
> <webuijsf:commonTasksGroup
> binding="#{LoginComplete.securityManagementTasks}"
> id="securityManagementTasks"
> style="height: 142px; width: 146px"
> title="Manage Security">
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageUsersTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageUsersTask}"
> id="manageUsersTask" style="width:
> 143px" text="Users"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageRolesTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageRolesTask}"
> id="manageRolesTask" style="width:
> 143px" text="Roles"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageRightsTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageRightsTask}"
> id="manageRightsTask" style="width:
> 143px" text="Rights"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageOptionsTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageOptionsTask}"
> id="manageOptionsTask" style="width:
> 143px" text="Options"/>
> </webuijsf:commonTasksGroup>
> <webuijsf:commonTasksGroup
> binding="#{LoginComplete.operationsTasks}" id="operationsTasks"
> style="height: 166px; width: 194px" title="Platform Operations">
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.viewFilesTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.viewFilesTask}"
> id="viewFilesTask" style="width: 191px"
> text="View Files"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.compareFilesTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.compareFilesTask}"
> id="compareFilesTask" style="width:
> 191px" text="Compare Files"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageServicesTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageServicesTask}"
> id="manageServicesTask" style="width:
> 191px" text="Manage Services"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageApplicationsTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageApplicationsTask}"
> id="manageApplicationsTask" style="width: 191px" text="Manage
> Applications"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.executeCommandTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.executeCommandTask}"
> id="executeCommandTask" style="width:
> 191px" text="Execute Command"/>
> </webuijsf:commonTasksGroup>
> <webuijsf:commonTasksGroup
> binding="#{LoginComplete.lawEnforcementTasks}" id="lawEnforcementTasks"
> style="height: 94px; width: 194px"
> title="Mailbox Maintenance">
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.examineMailboxTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.examineMailboxTask}"
> id="examineMailboxTask" style="width:
> 167px" text="Examine Mailbox"/>
> </webuijsf:commonTasksGroup>
> <webuijsf:commonTasksGroup
> binding="#{LoginComplete.operationsAdminTasksGroup}"
> id="operationsAdminTasksGroup"
> style="height: 122px; width: 194px"
> title="Operations Administration">
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageServerTasks_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageServerTasks}"
> id="manageServerTasks" style="width:
> 119px" text="Servers"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.manageServerGroupsTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.manageServerGroupsTask}"
> id="manageServerGroupsTask" style="width: 143px" text="Server Groups"/>
> <webuijsf:commonTask
> actionExpression="#{LoginComplete.defineCommandsTask_action}"
> binding="#{LoginComplete.defineCommandsTask}"
> id="defineCommandsTask" style="width:
> 167px" text="Define Commands"/>
> </webuijsf:commonTasksGroup>
> </webuijsf:commonTasksSection>