Woodstock performance boost

From: Dan Labrecque <Dan.Labrecque_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:24:08 -0400

As of build #14, Woodstock gets a performance boost. In combination with
Dojo .9, I observed a 50% reduction in download speeds (on a local
machine) as compared to the previous build. This translates to an
average of 2-4 seconds per page, depending on how complex it is.

This is mainly due to a reduction in the number of requests made for
JavaScript and CSS files. We accomplished this by combining all
Woodstock JavaScript into a single file. Combining CSS files helped
reduce the download speed even further. And of course, Dojo .9 has
reduced their own requests to just two JavaScript main files. On one
page in particular, the overall number of requests dropped from 82 to
17, for example.

That said, we're still working on image mapping all theme images, but
that may have to wait until the next milestone build. This should help
reduce download speeds even further. Dropping the number of image
requests is one of the more significant performance gains we can make.

If you're interested in exactly what was done for build #14, please read
the thread below.
