Re: Ajax Status and verify installation

From: Venkatesh Babu <Venkatesh.M_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 13:47:02 +0530

Lujop wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to Woodstock and I'm evaluating it for future use. I download
> the latest version from CVS and installed to Netbeans.
> *1*
> How I can know exactly if the new components are used? Because
> apparently I've the same.
I think if you are using a javaee5 project and selected "Visual Web Java
server faces" project, then you are using the latest component set.
(Basically you would see JSP tags with "webuijsf" prefix)
> If I go to Plugin Manager (NB6) and look at Installed modules I have:
> Project Woodstock Components Runtime
> and Project Woodstock Components Default theme
> They appear as active but in grey. Are they used when I start a new
> Visual Web Project? I They override the default ones? Or I've to load
> a complib (but I haven't found any).
> *2*
> What are the AJAX feature available now? For example I cant get out of
> the box that when pressing a button update text fields... Or when
> updating one field update another.
> Because in the themos I've seen a lot of reloading... I'm wrong?
Since you are using the latest woodstock bits, you should be able to use
the ajax features "out of the box".
If you are seeing the "example
application"(, look out
for examples which have "client side updates" or something like that
mentioned. They are the ones which demonstrate asynchronous updates of
the components.

For example, a button when pressed would normally submit a page.. But if
you want client side updates you could for example, hook up the onclick
of the function with a javascript function and also add "return false;"
to it to prevent the button from submitting the page.

You could also look at the tld docs for more information on how to use
ajax features.

> A lot of thanks in advance for your help and your patience with my
> ignorance in that.
no problem! Hope you have a great time with the components!

> Cheers,