Re: Ajax Status and verify installation

From: Dmitry Kushner <Dmitry.Kushner_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:13:23 -0600


Lujop wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm new to Woodstock and I'm evaluating it for future use. I download
> the latest version from CVS and installed to Netbeans.
> *1*
> How I can know exactly if the new components are used? Because
> apparently I've the same.
> If I go to Plugin Manager (NB6) and look at Installed modules I have:
> Project Woodstock Components Runtime
> and Project Woodstock Components Default theme
> They appear as active but in grey. Are they used when I start a new
> Visual Web Project? I They override the default ones? Or I've to load
> a complib (but I haven't found any).
> *2*
> What are the AJAX feature available now? For example I cant get out of
> the box that when pressing a button update text fields... Or when
> updating one field update another.
> Because in the themos I've seen a lot of reloading... I'm wrong?
Features vary depending on the component. Ajax-based submit() and
reload() are implemented across most of the components, providing
ability to submit data or reload component value to/from the server.
Otherwise, different component support different ajax features:
textField supports
autoValidataion, progressBar supports real time progress, etc. More
details could be found in individual specifications

> A lot of thanks in advance for your help and your patience with my
> ignorance in that.
> Cheers,