Re: Facelets & Woodstock

From: Bill Edwards - Sun BOS Software <Bill.Edwards_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 12:02:22 -0400

Daniel Cavalcanti wrote:
> Is it possible to use facelets with woodstock?
Yes. The Woodstock build provides a taglib for this case. However,
the testing has
been very minimal and the documentation non existent. I have been able
to convert
a couple of Example webapp pages to Facelets, but its not really ready
for prime time.

The taglib XML is in the webui-jsf.jar and is called "woodstock.taglib.xml".
Its namespace id is "". For the most
the tag names are the same as defined in the Woodstock TLD documentation.
Feel free to report issues as you make progress.
> Is so, is there any tutorial on it? If not, how can I set out page
> layout/templates using woodstock?
> thanks,
Not that I know of.