Hello All,
I originally posted this to the dev list by mistake. This is the more
appropriate list.
I am trying to determine if the behavior I am seeing is abnormal. If I set
the tag to a value such as 8 as noted below. This results in the table
displaying rows starting at 9. This is okay.
<webuijsf:tableRowGroup first="8" binding="#{ Page1.tableRowGroup1}"
id="tableRowGroup1" rows="3" sourceData="#{Page1.tripDataProvider}"
The quirk is if I use a binding to set the value, it does not correctly set
it to the appropriate value. See below.
This is in the SessionBean:
private int selectedValue = 8;
public int getSelectedValue() {
return selectedValue;
This is the new binding on the JSP:
<webuijsf:tableRowGroup first="#{SessionBean1.selectedValue}" binding="#{
Page1.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="3"
I would have expected it to start on row 9. Am I missing something, or is
this a bug?
I added a button to the table which sets the first value to the
selectedValue and it works as expected.
public String button1_action() {
tableRowGroup1.setFirst(getSessionBean1().getSelectedValue() - 1);
return null;
This is behavior I want, but I would expect that if I use a binding it
should work too. I should not have to put a button on the page and force the
user to press it to go to the selectedValue.
John Yeary
"If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of
giants..." Sir Isaac Newton