Re: GUIDANCE REQUESTED :Case No:11344762

From: richard ratta <Richard.Ratta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2009 09:41:55 -0500
The issue is not the test harness, but the complexity of the component you are trying to test.
The table is complex and feature rich. The only way to accurately test using any test harness
is to understand the implementation, either at the server or the client.

On the client this means knowing the HTML elements and javascript that is used to
implement the component.

For the woodstock components this can get complicated because there is alot of client side
javascript(including ajax) involved as well as Java api's on the server.


Runa Kuruvila wrote:
Request from Sun Developer Expert Assistance (DEA team, aka Lifeguard Engineers)

DEA Radiance Case Number:11344762
DEA Email: sdn-dev-incident@Sun.COM
DEA Engineer: Runa Kuruvila
Product: Netbeans 6.5
OS: Windows
PROBLEM SUMMARY of current status :

The Customer is using the Woodstock 4.2 JSF components.  He would like to use a test package like HTMLUnit, JSFUnit or WEBUnit.
So far, He's  having difficulty in addressing the components within a table. 
Do you have a recommendation for a Unit Testing package that works well with the Woodstock components?

Any Suggestions / help on this issue? 
