mike.r.phillips wrote:
We are using the version of woodstock that comes in netbeans 5.5.
I just ran a test on netbeans 6.1 and you are correct the localization is
controlled by browser locale just the way
I would like.
Problem is we couldn't switch to new netbeans and woodstock because
performance was so poor. Is there
a way to get this localization behavior from the woodstock that comes with
Is there a way to list out the woodstock version?
Each jar has a manifest.
If you jar xf webui-jsf.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
and dump the MANIFEST.MF you will see a version designation.
And likewise for the theme jar webui-jsf-suntheme.jar (I think).
As far as I remember since JSF 1.2 (after they fixed their localization
the browser locale always controlled the locale of the components.
Before 1.2 there was JSF bug where in some cases (based on server or
client state mode)
you had to restart the webapp.
Now if you are working in the IDE there are other issues involved with
the design
surface and locale, and those I never understood.
richard ratta wrote:
What version of woodstock are you using ?
The last I remember is that the locale IS determined based on browser
locale and
you should not have to do anything else to see this.
Now the gotcha...
Depending on which version of woodstock you are using you have to
make sure that the javascript theme also reflects the localizations you
are setting
in "messages_de.properties.".
In the later versions of woodstock, especially for components that have
widget renderers, the javascript theme must have all the localizations
that exist
in properties files. This is accomplished in the build of the "theme".
for more information on this topic.
mike.r.phillips wrote:
Can woodstock localization be based on the users current browser language
After creating a sun/webui/jsf/suntheme/messages/messages_de.properties
I can only get the correct localized strings and buttons used by the
underlying components to be used if I add
a JVM option "-Duser.language=de" to the app server, or if I use
Locale.setDefault(choosenLocale) and then
re-deploy my app.
if I use <f:view locale="<%= request.getLocale() %>"> the bundles I create
that are not part of
underlying components are localized correctly and change for each user
on browser preference.
Is there a way to tell components to reload the localized strings without
bouncing app server?
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