Re: compiling woodstock

From: <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 16:23:41 +1000

richard ratta wrote:
> Sounds like the VM you are using doesn't support that compile option,
> which is used
> to generate 1.5 class files.
> If you don't care about this, remove the option.
> Also this step is only done to verify that the JSP files compile. This
> step can be removed.
> You will probably have to go to the ant build file (probably the
> "example" directory)
> and comment out the compile of the JSP files.
> If it is the netbeans build file that is executing the task there are
> usually properties you
> can set to prevent the build from compiling the JSP files.
> -rick

ok, i will tinker with the build file to suppress just that part, as I would really like to have the example built and locally
deployed in order to compare behaviours from my own code.

there is a certain amount - a lot - of confusion in my tiny little head at the moment. I can see that the Giant Ant Script That
Builds Everything constructed some large JAR files in master/build (Woodstock4.3*jar and Woodstock_DependentLibs.4.3*jar) as well 28
smaller jars under master/build/ship/lib - I guess the big JARs contain the little jars?

What I'm trying to do is get to the point where I have the source code available for use in my Netbeans 6.1 VisualWeb JSF projects
so that I can debug, and hopefully fix, a show-stopping problem with AddRemoveList. What is now further complicating this picture is
that the bunch of library jars that Netbeans calls "woodstock" do not correspond particularly to the set in master/build/ship/lib

I'm tentatively guessing that the projects under ide-plugins build the NBM that get plugged into Netbeans, but they don't get built
by the master script as far as I can see, and there's not a lot of doco on what is where in this sprawling great project.

Robert Hook | Software Engineer for Salmat BusinessForce
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