Re: CheckboxGroup ignores converter

From: richard ratta <Richard.Ratta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 16:15:25 -0400

It looks like there is a bug in the logic in the renderer.
If the submitted value is null it does not call the converter,

I believe this is the opposite of what it should be. If the submittedValue
is null, that means that there is no error a conversion may be necessary.

Please file a bug.


Stefan Bley wrote:

>There seems to be a bug in CheckboxGroup.
>If you assign a custom converter to the checkboxGroup either by converter
>attribute or <f:converter> tag, it is not used. At least the getAsString()
>method is not called. getAsObject() is called but then of course the value
>string is false and the conversion fails.
>I verified the converter is okay assigning it to a Listbox. Both
>getAsString() and getAsObject() are called properly. I'm using NetBeans
>6.1/Woodstock 4.2.