Re: Woodstock and Maven 2?

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 12:09:23 -0500
Hi Morten,

Interesting timing for your question.  We are about to post Woodstock in the repository for Build 4 of the 4.2 release.
You can read about the details here with regard to the artifacts and dependencies.

I will send out more information in the Build 4 announcement.

Please let us know how this works for your team.


Morten Egelund Rasmussen wrote:
Hi all,
We have been using Woodstock for our Enterprise application development for about a year now, and are happy with it, although it has a few bugs here and there.
We're migrating our code from old-style Ant-builds to Maven-builds at the moment. This takes some time, since we need so sit down and get our project dependencies right. It works very nice with NetBeans when it's done though! :-)
To help the process, we have set up an internal Maven 2 repository server ("Apache Archiva") for our own code and proxying public Maven repositories.
Now the question is: Does anybody have an idea and/or recommendations on how to structure and link the Woodstock dependencies together in a nice way? -- Has anybody done this before, or do we need to sit down and write the dependencies ourselves?
Of course, we don't want to have the whole Woodstock compile dependency tree added to each of our projects, since it's quite large. So the question is: how do we do this?
I can see that you guys at Sun are using both Maven 1.x and Maven 2, so you might be able to point a helping hand in some direction?
Best regards,
Morten :-)