Re: Cant get ajax event on woodstock button

From: Animesh Sahay <>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 16:30:52 +0530

Currently ProgressBar doesn't expose any public function to again
restart it. However resume() can be used to achieve this.
Also you should be able to make the Progressbar elements visible by calling :

For example, you can use a start button and call a function which
actually makes the progressbar elements visible and calls resume() to
restart the progress. But make sure that you update the server-side
state of progressbar like taskState to running and progress to 0
before calling resume on client-side.

function start() {

                                   var pb =
                                    return false;
  Hope, this helps.


On 3/4/08, stuartr <> wrote:
> Yip thats what I had to do to remove the error.
> However, I still ahve no idea how to reset the progress bar.
> Say I even get the failed state, and the bar dissapears, The failed message
> appears, GREAT, but
> then how do I reset the bar to show the progress again.
> I tried calling the set functions to set the bar visible and to set the
> failed text false. But to no avail,
> I can get the progress bar updating its status , but the actual bar itself
> is gone. Vanished.
> How do you reset it and get it to appear so that you can reuse the progress
> bar within your client.
> Dan Labrecque wrote:
> >
> > Looks like a bug in build #3. This was a workaround for DynaFaces, but
> > forgot to remove the call after the issue was fixed. I'll put back a fix
> > tonight and it will be available in milestone #4 -- the build is
> > scheduled for Tuesday night. In the mean time, you could define the
> > function yourself, for example:
> >
> > webui.suntheme.widget.common._replaceElements = function() {};
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dan
> >
> > stuartr wrote:
> >> Dan
> >> Found a way of using resume to get the progress bar to run once its
> >> stopped.
> >> However I constantly get
> >>
> >> webui.suntheme.widget.common._replaceElements is not a function
> >>
> >> printed out within my firebug output. Everytime I attempt to do a refresh
> >> to
> >> the client components
> >> to force the ajax rejects . Seems to be causing me some issues.
> >> Has this been logged as a bug or is this something new ???
> >>
> >>
> >> Stu
> >>
> >>> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Dan Labrecque wrote:
> >>
> >>> Ideally, it would be nice if the button did this for you -- feel free to
> >>> file an issue/RFE for the button. I'll have to defer your indeterminate
> >>> progress bar question to Animesh.
> >>>
> >>> Dan
> >>>
> >>> stuartr wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Dan , thats exactly what I implemented but didnt like the model. Just
> >>>> doesnt
> >>>> feel right.
> >>>> HOwever it does work,
> >>>>
> >>>> What Im finding a problem with is the indeterminate progress bar. Works
> >>>> fine
> >>>> with determinate when
> >>>> I change the state of the bar within the backing bean, but with
> >>>> indeterminate, I change the state and
> >>>> nothing happens on the client side.
> >>>> I checked the JSON msg using firebug and the state just sits at
> >>>> not_started.
> >>>> The status message binding
> >>>> works without a problem, but when I get the lookup to the widget at the
> >>>> backend, nothing I do to it such as setLogMessage(....
> >>>> setTaskState(...
> >>>> etc has any effect on the client.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Trying out some test programs to get to bottom of this but I just dont
> >>>> have
> >>>> any more slack on the project
> >>>> to experiment.
> >>>>
> >>>> BTW : Well done on the performance upgrade in the latest release, what
> >>>> a
> >>>> difference.
> >>>> and also, thanks for the fix on the bubble popping up in the wrong
> >>>> position
> >>>> on screen.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Dan Labrecque wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> One thing you have to keep in mind is that the button runs through the
> >>>>> entire JSF life cycle. The last phase of the JSF life cycle is always
> >>>>> the rendering phase -- even when values are found to be invalid.
> >>>>> Depending on the navigation rules defined in the faces-config.xml
> >>>>> file,
> >>>>> the user is typically forwarded to another page or the current page is
> >>>>> refreshed.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> In order to achieve the functionality you're looking for, you might
> >>>>> consider using a hidden field and a value change event. When the user
> >>>>> clicks the button, call the submit() function of the hidden field. The
> >>>>> value is submitted asynchronously and if the value has changed, an
> >>>>> event
> >>>>> will be fired for your backing bean to listen to. The page will not
> >>>>> refresh because we have overridden the rendering phase here. Instead
> >>>>> of
> >>>>> re-rendering the hidden field, we return some JSON data indicating
> >>>>> success or failure. You can actually subscribe to the
> >>>>> "submit.endTopic"
> >>>>> event if you're interested in using that to kick off the progress bar.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Typically, this type of behavior can be applied to anything that holds
> >>>>> an HTML element value. It's difficult to support this for a button
> >>>>> because it does not actually submit anything. Although, I'll take a
> >>>>> look
> >>>>> and see if there is something we can do here. We may be able to trick
> >>>>> it
> >>>>> into submitting a special hidden field, for example.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Dan
> >>>>>
> >>>>> stuartr wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Can someone point me in the right direction to allow me to NOT
> >>>>>> re-render
> >>>>>> a
> >>>>>> page when I click a button
> >>>>>> All I want to do is
> >>>>>> 1. Onclick, fire off an event to the backing bean to start something
> >>>>>> .
> >>>>>> 2. popup a div showing a progress bar widget.
> >>>>>> 3. let the popup div have a STOP button that will send a stop to the
> >>>>>> back
> >>>>>> end using ajax.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I dont want an page re-rendering and I know I can do this simply in
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>> non
> >>>>>> woodstock world.
> >>>>>> However, surely there must be a method of doing this within woodstock
> >>>>>> button
> >>>>>> widgets .
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I succesfully use the update() on other areas of my apps to
> >>>>>> dynamically
> >>>>>> change things on the display
> >>>>>> and guessed that woodstock must have a layer that I can access to
> >>>>>> invoke
> >>>>>> a
> >>>>>> method on the backing bean.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
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> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> --
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