Project Woodstock 4.2 RC1 is Posted and Available

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 17:18:45 -0400

Release Candidate 1 of Project Woodstock 4.2 has been posted and links
can be found on the Download page.

The latest version of the Release Notes for this build are available
from the Download page.*checkout*/woodstock/doc/release-notes.html

RC 1 (aka Build 5) has some additional features. There is a new
"sandbox" version of a Ratings component available.
It does not yet have design time code, but that will be coming soon.
An initial implementation of "Auto-complete" functionality has been
added as an option to the TextField component.

We have also pushed Build 5 to a Maven2 respository on

The Roadmap page has been updated and we still plan to have the final GA
release of 4.2 by April 23rd.
The RC1 build of Project Woodstock 4.2 has been integrated into NetBeans
6.1 for their upcoming RC1 build and release.
The GA version of 4.2 will be no different than this RC1 version, unless
stoppers are found and we need to push out an RC2 build.
The tree will now branch for any further 4.2 work if needed. The main
trunk has been changed to version 4.3

As per the Roadmap page, the first build of 4.3 is targeted for April 11th.

The Project Woodstock Team