Glassfish Awards Program (GAP)

From: Richard Spellman <Richard.Spellman_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 13:21:24 -0400


The GlassFish Awards Program (GAP) is intended to encourage and reward innovation in the GlassFish Community. The program's rules (here) are quite loose and many types of projects will qualify. There are US$ 175K available, for both projects and bug submissions; check Previous Posts for additional commentary.

Some notes on the program:

Drawing of Money Bag

• Submissions are to be sent to Gap-Submissions at GF (Archive, mailto).
• All projects in the GlassFish community at-large are eligible.
• Applicants are individuals, we don't care were they work.
• Whether you need to sign the SCA depends on the requirements of your project.
• Docs, Portals, Workshops, etc, are all eligible. If in doubt, Ask Us.
• Don't wait until the last minute; Submit it Now!
• A good approach is to submit now what you have, then Send an Update!

We have up to 20 prizes for projects and many more for bug submissions but we have received very few submissions so far. I suspect many are waiting for the deadline, but we would much rather you submit now first and then resubmit. Don't leave money on the table!

Note! We had a configuration problem with the submission alias and it is possible that some submissions may not have been recorded properly. If you submitted, please check the alias archive, and resubmit if necessary.

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