Dear Woodstock team,
Via netbeans6.1beta & woodstock4.2, i use the new accordion component.
Running this code, mostly i can not use my spacebar into p.e. a texfield.
When i use the spacebar, i lost the control and the accordionTab will be close.
<webuijsf:accordion id="accordion1" style="position: absolute; left: 36px; top: 24px; width: 552px; height: 240px">
<webuijsf:accordionTab id="accordionTab1" selected="true" title="AccordionTab 1">
<webuijsf:panelLayout id="layoutPanel1" style="height: 128px; position: relative; width: 460px; -rave-layout: grid">
<webuijsf:textField id="textField1" style="position: absolute; left: 60px; top: 24px"/>
Can you explain me what's wrong, is the deploy incorrect?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Ron de Waard
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