Re: Getting "webui.suntheme.widget has no properties" using Woodstock components jars that I built

From: richard ratta <Richard.Ratta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:14:11 -0500

You cannot "mix" jars between versions.

You either have a build and jars from 4.1 or 4.1.1.
You can't copy in jars from from 4.1 into 4.1.1 or vice versa.


Brett M. Bergquist wrote:

> I checked out the sources as "cvs -d
> checkout -r Woodstock_411_GA
> woodstock" and then did a build. I'm using JDK 1.5.0_14. The build
> works fine.
> When I replace the Woodstock 4.1 GA jars (webui-jsf.jar and
> webui-jsf-suntheme.jar) with the jars and redploy my application, I'm
> getting the error "webui.suntheme.widget has no properties" all over
> the place. The only change is replacing the above jars. Any ideas?
> Is this related to the dojo 0.9 to dojo 1.0 upgrade?
> I'm still searching for a way to get the Tree component to indent
> properly as this is killing my app. I figured I would build the 4.1.1
> release and use that if possible.
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