I have the following code in the accordionTab that sets the title - its
invoked from _setProps().
webui._at_THEME@.widget.accordionTab.prototype.setTitle = function (title) {
if (title) {
var titleHref =
webui._at_THEME@.widget.common.getWidgetProps("hyperlink", {
id: this.id + "_titleLink",
title: title,
onClick: "return false;",
className: "",
contents: [title]
this.widget.updateFragment(this.titleNode, titleHref);
return true;
This works fine when the accordion is loaded the first time. However, if
an XHR call is made to refresh the accordion the tabs render without
the title - hence, the tab header looks real ugly. This happens only on
IE. I checked the DOM tree and in the case of refresh the anchor tag
does not have the title text within it.
If I replace the code above by the following code things work just fine
in both the situations (fresh load, refresh) on IE.
webui._at_THEME@.widget.accordionTab.prototype.setTitle = function (title) {
if (title) {
this.widget.addFragment(this.titleHref, title);
Any idea why the first case fails to load the title on IE? Any timing