Sean Comerford wrote:
> So I've (believe it or not) been playing around with the drag & drop version of
> the Woodstock components included in NetBeans 6.
> Couple questions:
> 1) Is it expected that they will be ungodly slow in the NetBeans / Glassfish /
> JavaDB environment of the IDE? The examples on the dev site (as well as my past
> experience) indicate the performance should be fairly reasonable... I'm seeing
> 5 to 7 second delays when sorting a table with 11 items in it and that's
> running on localhost!
> 2) I think I know the answer here but is there a newer version of the
> components "visual web pack" than what is included in the nightly Netbeans
> builds? I'm looking for more of the cool whiz bang Ajax stuff you guys are
> working on.
> 3) Is it a known issue that the common task page simply doesn't look right in
> the visual designer? I realize it's pretty new but drag and drop support for
> CTP overall is not good. There is a Common Task Group, Common Task Section,
> Common Task and it's not really clear how I'm supposed to make these work
> together. The names could be more intuitive I think.
There is a bug filed about the common task not rendering correctly in VWP..
But as you know.. it would be great if you could come down to the
specifics :)
The common tasks section acts as a container for common task
groups/common task components.
It has its own layout mechanism so you cant place the CTG/CT
arbitarily on the CTS.
A common task group acts as a container for common task components.
> later,
> Sean
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