Re: Proposed Annotation Change

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 14:34:47 -0700

Rick, Greg,

Is it OK for me to check this in (w/ the fix to avoid the interface
change)? Or do you think it is an inappropriate change?



Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> I understand your point now (I was starting to get it by the end of my
> last response), you are right. Technically there is no difference in
> what JSF does... and it would still be possible to override the
> implicit renderer behavior that the UIComponent provides. All is good
> (or even arguably better) on the surface.
> However, this goes in a direction I'm trying to move away from. Right
> now I do have a set of TemplateComponent base classes that the
> component author needs to chose from to extend (i.e. an EVH-based one,
> ActionSource, container, etc.). These base classes do almost nothing
> right now... they provide a couple methods that really should be
> utility methods in a different class, and 1 important property: the
> name of the template to use. I have been considering making this
> property simply an attribute in the component attribute Map and
> thereby allowing ANY UIComponent to work w/ the TemplateRenderer.
> If I add more functionality to the base class (the logic to check for
> a faces-config.xml-defined Renderer, if not found perform its own
> Rendering)... then it is more difficult to allow any UIComponent to
> work. I suppose I could put this logic in a different file and just
> require the UIComponent to delegate to this code. However, as you can
> see this isn't as elegant from a UIComponent-developers point-of-view.
> This is what I'd like to (eventually) make possible:
> @Component(...)
> public class MyComponent extends UIInput {
> public MyComponent() {
> getAttributes().put("templateFile",
> "templates/myComponent.jsf");
> }
> ...
> }
> And:
> myComponent.jsf:
> <span id="#{component.clientId}">component content</span>
> And that's all. They should then be able to compile and run it. The
> necessary faces-config.xml, taglib, and other file stuff should be
> generated during the build.
> I supposed I could have the @annotations create the necessary java
> base-class code for them so they could still do the above code and
> have it work... but I'm not trying to find every way to solve this. I
> have a way done already. I just need 1 additional property on the
> @Component attribute so that the generated faces-config.xml file entry
> can be complete.
> I'm willing to consider other options in the future, but I'd like to
> get this change in so that it works today. This change doesn't impact
> any existing component in any way, and doesn't require any change to
> current or future Woodstock components -- it just helps me do what I'm
> trying to do.
> Ken
> richard ratta wrote:
>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>> richard ratta wrote:
>>>> Back to the original issue ....
>>>> I don't think adding a "RendererClass" annotation on the component
>>>> is appropriate.
>>>> A Component does not determine its renderer. Its renderer is
>>>> determined by its
>>>> component family and renderer type.
>>>> I believe you can address your original issue by fixing the
>>>> annotation [rocessor to support
>>>> a many to one or none, relationship between component and renderer.
>>>> That funtionality
>>>> would help everyone.
>>> This does not help the use case I am describing at all. Remember,
>>> there is no Renderer to annotate (however, there *is* a Renderer
>>> class... it's just not available to be annotated as it is part of a
>>> 3rd party library).
>>>> ....
>>>> As to the side discussion ....
>>>> I offered a suggestion to your simple use which you were using to
>>>> justify this change.
>>>> Your response should show you that using such "simple" use cases to
>>>> determine functionality
>>>> is not useful, because it is never the whole story, as we've seen
>>>> that story unfold.
>>> Not sure what you mean.
>>>> I understood you to be trying to help the 80% of users that use
>>>> your templating system and
>>>> to help them not to have to write so many files.
>>> Exactly.
>>>> My suggestion of
>>>> template components rendering themselves does this and removes
>>>> those users from ever having
>>>> to even know about a renderer.
>>> It also removes their ability to associate a different renderer with
>>> their component.
>> No. It means that faces-config entries must be made.
>>> I am not trying to make less powerful components, just easier ones.
>>> I do not like the idea of mixing the Renderer and the Component.
>>> Consider the case where you have a "h:inputText". Let's say the
>>> page-author decides they don't like the component-author's Renderer
>>> behavior.
>> It is not necessarliy the component author's renderer. There is just
>> a renderer associated
>> with the component if there is a faces config entry that matches the
>> component-family and
>> renderer-type.
>>> So page-author replaces the renderer with their own. This works for
>>> most JSF components... however, w/ your suggestion of merging the
>>> component & renderer, this use case is NOT possible. So your
>>> solution is not a solution.
>> This is not true.
>> The built in component renderer behavior must defer to a renderer
>> that matches the component-family
>> and renderer-type.
>>>> It also does not prevent changing renderkits, or substituting a
>>>> renderer for a given renderer-type and component family. That
>>>> depends on how you write the
>>>> rendering functionality. The standard JSF design pattern could be
>>>> used to just check for a
>>>> renderer for that component.
>>> Perhaps I misunderstood you before. Are you suggesting making the
>>> component do the checking to see if there is a registered Renderer
>>> and using it if it exists...
>> This is always done today. Remembere that technically a component
>> always renders itself. However
>> it makes a choice of looking for a renderer based on the component
>> family and renderer-type.
>> In our components we require an external renderkit therefore there
>> are no components in the Woodstock
>> set that write to the response. But components initiate rendering
>> themselves.
>> Renderers are note required by JSF.
> Yes.
>>> otherwise handing the Rendering itself? Perhaps this could work.
>>> However, this isn't how I currently handle things... and I'm not
>>> sure I want to change it. Making a class that extends from Renderer
>>> sometimes handle decode...
>> It does not have to extend from Renderer.
>>> and the UIComponent sometimes handle decode... except when you
>>> extend it. I think this may just add confusion, not simplification.
>> this is no different than the current component spec.
>>> Plus it is not obvious where the Renderer is to an end user (who
>>> could otherwise see the mapping in the faces-config.xml file and
>>> simply change it).
>> We were initially talking about rendering template'd components for
>> users that did not have renderers
>> and you wanted to reduce the noise for them.
>>> Yes, this solution may work... but it's not as nice as the one I
>>> currently have.
>> It is effectively the same.
>>>> In the use case you are using, you say there are no renderers to
>>>> annotate so most of the
>>>> time there won't be any renderer and the simple user can be supported.
>>> You misunderstood. There is no Renderer to annotate... however,
>>> there *is* a Renderer. It cannot be annotated because:
>>> 1) It is part of a 3rd party .jar file that they do not build
>> Subclass it and annotate it.
>>> 2) I don't want them to extend from it b/c that adds a 3rd file they
>>> have to work with, I want to keep it to 2 files only.
>> You say you want to simplify but yet you discuss very sophisticated
>> use casess like replacing
>> render kits.
>>>> A user with more
>>>> complicated needs should have no problem editing faces-config.xml
>>>> in which case they
>>>> wouldn't use your new annotation because they would just annotate
>>>> the renderer.
>>> This would require a 3rd file to edit. The whole point of this
>>> solution is to reduce the # of *required* files to edit.
>>> Am I making sense?
>> -rick
>>> Ken
>>>> ....
>>>> -rick
>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>> richard ratta wrote:
>>>>>> The more I think about this the more confused I get as to why
>>>>>> changing
>>>>>> a very specific annotation processor is the solution.
>>>>>> JSF defines two strategies for rendering components. One is with
>>>>>> a renderkit
>>>>>> and the flexibility it offers . It defines a second strategy
>>>>>> where components render themselves.
>>>>>> Your design appears to fall into the second strategy. In fact why
>>>>>> doesn's the template component superclass
>>>>>> implement the template rendering as well ?
>>>>> Why don't all the JSF standard components do it this way? Why
>>>>> don't any of the Woodstock components do it that way? The
>>>>> JSFTemplating-based Renderer have the SAME answer.
>>>>> There is NO difference between a Renderer that is template-based
>>>>> vs. one that is Java-based (except that there is not .java file
>>>>> for a template-based Renderer to annotate ;) ).
>>>>>> You don't need the a renderer at all as you claim, it just
>>>>>> becomes part of your
>>>>>> inherited component behavior.
>>>>> This reduces the options a component developer and the end users
>>>>> of the component have for Rendering a UIComponent. The would have
>>>>> hard-coded a 1-to-1 mapping between the output of the UIComponent
>>>>> and the UIComponent itself b/c there would be no mapping done at all.
>>>>> I do not want this. I want 1 UIComponent to be capable of being
>>>>> Rendered to N different devices / markup. I want the end-user to
>>>>> be able to override the default Renderer and provide their own
>>>>> implementation. Perhaps they'd extend the TemplateRenderer and
>>>>> add some monitoring / auditing features... perhaps they'd generate
>>>>> .java code from the template and use a .java based renderer which
>>>>> they've modified... perhaps they'd write their own alternate
>>>>> implementation of the Renderer. These are the SAME use-cases for
>>>>> which JSF provides the Renderer mappings.
>>>>>> We know that the current annotation processor supports components
>>>>>> that do not have a
>>>>>> a renderkit renderer. Unfortunately the processor reports
>>>>>> warnings because of this
>>>>>> but that is because of its specific nature.
>>>>>> Just curious, what happens if a Woodstock component were to add
>>>>>> the @Renderer
>>>>>> annotation in error or is it appropriate in any way for the
>>>>>> Woodstock components ?
>>>>> The way I intended for this change to be used is to add the
>>>>> "rendererClass" attribute to a @Component annotation:
>>>>> @Component(type="com.sun.webui.jsf.DropDown",
>>>>> family="com.sun.webui.jsf.DropDown",
>>>>> rendererClass="com.sun.webui.jsf.renderkit.html.DropDownRenderer",
>>>>> ...)
>>>>> The above would work and you would not be required to annotate the
>>>>> DropDown Renderer. However... good practice would be to annotate
>>>>> it. And for cases where you have 1 UIComponent w/ many Renderers
>>>>> would not be satisified by this implementation.
>>>>> Adding the @Renderer annotation to a UIComponent class works
>>>>> provided that you use the rendererClass property as well... AND
>>>>> you don't have a @Component annotation. The way the current
>>>>> annotation processor is written, it doesn't support 2 annotations
>>>>> on a single class... or at least I haven't figured out the correct
>>>>> syntax to get that to work. I think the problem is that when you
>>>>> specify both annotations, the first annotation annotates the 2nd
>>>>> annotation instead of both annotating the class. Separating w/
>>>>> commas didn't seem to help. There's a good change I'm doing
>>>>> something wrong when defining the annotation, though.
>>>>>> This really flies in the face of the strategy to have renderkits
>>>>>> for the Woodstock components
>>>>>> as well as JSF.
>>>>> ? I don't see how.
>>>>>> This makes me think even more so that if your components don't
>>>>>> utililize renderers in a
>>>>>> renderkit, then they are either components that are not rendered,
>>>>>> or they render themselves.
>>>>> They DO utilize this... but they do not DEFINE the Renderer in the
>>>>> Renderkit when using the template Renderer.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> -rick
>>>>>> richard ratta wrote:
>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>> richard ratta wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I would like to see real requirements for this change, a
>>>>>>>>> little more on what
>>>>>>>>> is needed and why this change satisfies those requirements.
>>>>>>>>>> The motivation for this new feature is to be able to skip
>>>>>>>>>> creating a new Renderer for a component entirely. Jason Lee
>>>>>>>>>> and I are experimenting around with the Woodstock annotations
>>>>>>>>>> + JSFTemplating's TemplateRenderer to create components. I
>>>>>>>>>> think this is a good combination that reduces development to
>>>>>>>>>> 2 files: UIComponent file, and a template file. However, the
>>>>>>>>>> current annotations require a Renderer class to be present to
>>>>>>>>>> place a @Renderer annotation... and we don't have such a file
>>>>>>>>>> in our environment.
>>>>>>>>> This rationalization really isn't very clear, technically
>>>>>>>>> speaking.
>>>>>>>>> I also don't see the relationship between a renderer-type and
>>>>>>>>> the renderer-class which is the relationship
>>>>>>>>> JSF defines. There is no relationship in JSF between a
>>>>>>>>> Component and a renderer-class. It is
>>>>>>>>> component-family
>>>>>>>>> renderer-type
>>>>>>>>> renderer-class
>>>>>>>>> And we have created complexities by dynamically changing a
>>>>>>>>> component's renderer-type
>>>>>>>>> at runtime based on the "type of request"; "normal" or "ajax".
>>>>>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>>>>>> Yes, JSF supports an N to N mapping between UIComponent and
>>>>>>>> Renderers. You can map N components to a single Renderer, or 1
>>>>>>>> UIComponent can end up being server by N different Renderers.
>>>>>>>> In order for this to work, as you pointed out, there cannot
>>>>>>>> exist a hard-coded relationship between the UIComponent class
>>>>>>>> and the Renderer class.
>>>>>>>> For this reason this solution is not perfect... however, in my
>>>>>>>> scenario there is only 1 Java file, yet I'd like to take
>>>>>>>> advantage of the code generation done by the annotations so I
>>>>>>>> can alleviate developers of the need to write ANY xml in the
>>>>>>>> faces-config.xml file. I don't see any other practical way to
>>>>>>>> do this w/ the current Woodstock annotations / development
>>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>>> Also, if you look at the @annotations as the "default"
>>>>>>>> generated faces-config.xml file. Then this change *ONLY*
>>>>>>>> provides a *default* mapping between the UIComponent and 1
>>>>>>>> possible Renderer. I see this as VERY valuable in my use
>>>>>>>> case. Let me elaborate on my use case....
>>>>>>>> I have a template that might look something like:
>>>>>>>> myComp.jsf:
>>>>>>>> <span id="$this{componentId}"><b>$property{value}</b></span>
>>>>>>>> Ok... that's a VERY simple component that wraps the "value"
>>>>>>>> property of the component in a span w/ bold tags... but
>>>>>>>> valid... see my TSS article for a much more complicated example
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> I then have a UIComponent that is something like:
>>>>>>>> public class MyComp extends TemplateInsertComponentBase
>>>>>>>> implements NamingContainer {
>>>>>>>> public MyComp() {
>>>>>>>> super();
>>>>>>>> setRendererType("com.sun.MyComp");
>>>>>>>> setLayoutDefinitionKey("jsftemplating/myComp.jsf");
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> public String getFamily() {
>>>>>>>> return "com.sun.MyComp";
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> I don't have ANY other files for the component... however, I
>>>>>>>> would like to use Woodstock annotations to further simplify
>>>>>>>> this so that I don't have to configure the *faces-config.xml*
>>>>>>>> file or write a *JSP tag class*. With the current annotations
>>>>>>>> I can't quite do this because I do NOT have a Renderer class
>>>>>>> then what is
>>>>>>> 'rendererClass="com.sun.jsftemplating.renderer.TemplateRenderer"' ?
>>>>>>> Why not just annotate that renderer, to support the family,
>>>>>>> "com.sun.Template" with renderer
>>>>>>> type "com.sun.Template", and have anyone that wants to use you
>>>>>>> "templates" make their component
>>>>>>> belong to that family ?
>>>>>>> Currently the annotation processor does enforce a 1 to 1 mapping
>>>>>>> and that is what I would rather
>>>>>>> see fixed so that it supports the JSF mapping possibilities.
>>>>>>> Adding other arbitraty rules and annotations just makes the
>>>>>>> annotations more cofusing.
>>>>>>> If they followed the JSF spec with respect to mapping components
>>>>>>> to renderers then
>>>>>>> it is easier to understand since it follows a standard
>>>>>>> specification.
>>>>>>> That should solve your use case as well, no ?
>>>>>>> I'm surprised everyone wants to get away from faces-config.xml.
>>>>>>> It seemed pretty useful to
>>>>>>> me to be able to map and define meta-data for compoents,
>>>>>>> unfortunately we didn't conform to
>>>>>>> it more strictly.
>>>>>>> -rick
>>>>>>>> where I can put the @Renderer annotation. With my proposed
>>>>>>>> change, I can add
>>>>>>>> *rendererClass="com.sun.jsftemplating.renderer.TemplateRenderer"*
>>>>>>>> to the @Component annotation and everything works.
>>>>>>>> Does this make more sense?
>>>>>>>> If we can do this... I'd like to write a article
>>>>>>>> explaining how this is done. My TSS article has already
>>>>>>>> generated a lot of interest, I think combining this with the
>>>>>>>> Woodstock annotations offers a solution that a lot of people
>>>>>>>> would be interested in.
>>>>>>>>> See more inline
>>>>>>>> ... (see below)
>>>>>>>>> - RendersInfo(Map annotationValueMap) {
>>>>>>>>> + RendersInfo(Map annotationValueMap, String className) {
>>>>>>>>> this.annotationValueMap = annotationValueMap;
>>>>>>>>> + this.className = className;
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> You are changing an existing interface here.
>>>>>>>>> Any existing code that relies on the previous interface will
>>>>>>>>> break.
>>>>>>>>> You have to support the original interface as well as the new
>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>> Yes, you are correct. However, this is a class that is used
>>>>>>>> (indirectly) by APT only during compile time and doesn't
>>>>>>>> manifest itself at all during runtime (afaik). So unless
>>>>>>>> someone has extended the framework Woodstock has to develop
>>>>>>>> their own JSF annotations AND directly instantiates this static
>>>>>>>> inner class (DeclaredRendererInfo.RendersInfo), then this isn't
>>>>>>>> a problem.
>>>>>>>> Nevertheless, I'd be happy to support the old single-argument
>>>>>>>> constructor as well since this is easy to do and good practice.
>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>>> -rick
>>>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I would like to commit a minor change to the annotations
>>>>>>>>>> woodstock provides. The change allows a @Component
>>>>>>>>>> annotation to take a "rendererClass" attribute to specify a
>>>>>>>>>> Renderer that should be used to Renderer the UIComponent.
>>>>>>>>>> The motivation for this new feature is to be able to skip
>>>>>>>>>> creating a new Renderer for a component entirely. Jason Lee
>>>>>>>>>> and I are experimenting around with the Woodstock annotations
>>>>>>>>>> + JSFTemplating's TemplateRenderer to create components. I
>>>>>>>>>> think this is a good combination that reduces development to
>>>>>>>>>> 2 files: UIComponent file, and a template file. However, the
>>>>>>>>>> current annotations require a Renderer class to be present to
>>>>>>>>>> place a @Renderer annotation... and we don't have such a file
>>>>>>>>>> in our environment.
>>>>>>>>>> I have run the annotation processor before and after this
>>>>>>>>>> change and compared the results. There is no difference at
>>>>>>>>>> all (as there shouldn't be since it only adds an optional
>>>>>>>>>> property which isn't currently present on any Woodstock
>>>>>>>>>> components).
>>>>>>>>>> The diffs are attached. Please let me know if you have any
>>>>>>>>>> objections to me checking in this change. Or if I should
>>>>>>>>>> check it in somewhere other than the HEAD.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>>>> woodstock/annotations> cvs -q diff -u
>>>>>>>>>> Index: library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/
>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> RCS file:
>>>>>>>>>> /cvs/woodstock/annotations/library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/,v
>>>>>>>>>> retrieving revision 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> diff -u -r1.1
>>>>>>>>>> --- library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/ 15
>>>>>>>>>> Feb 2007 21:47:16 -0000 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> +++ library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/ 31
>>>>>>>>>> Aug 2007 21:28:05 -0000
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -134,6 +134,8 @@
>>>>>>>>>> * is set to false), then providing a value for this
>>>>>>>>>> element has no effect.
>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>> public String tagRendererType() default "";
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> + public String rendererClass() default "";
>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>> * An optional short description of this component,
>>>>>>>>>> typically used as a tool
>>>>>>>>>> Index: library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/
>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> RCS file:
>>>>>>>>>> /cvs/woodstock/annotations/library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/,v
>>>>>>>>>> retrieving revision 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> diff -u -r1.1
>>>>>>>>>> --- library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/ 15
>>>>>>>>>> Feb 2007 21:48:01 -0000 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> +++ library/src/com/sun/faces/annotation/ 31
>>>>>>>>>> Aug 2007 21:28:05 -0000
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
>>>>>>>>>> @Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE)
>>>>>>>>>> public @interface Renders {
>>>>>>>>>> + public String rendererClass() default "";
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>> * The renderer type for this component and renderer
>>>>>>>>>> combination. If
>>>>>>>>>> * this annotation contains a single component
>>>>>>>>>> family, and a renderer type
>>>>>>>>>> Index:
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> RCS file:
>>>>>>>>>> /cvs/woodstock/annotations/processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/,v
>>>>>>>>>> retrieving revision 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> diff -u -r1.1
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> 15 Feb 2007 21:56:49 -0000 1.1
>>>>>>>>>> +++
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> 31 Aug 2007 21:28:06 -0000
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -44,9 +44,10 @@
>>>>>>>>>> this.annotationValueMap = annotationValueMap;
>>>>>>>>>> renderings = new ArrayList<RendersInfo>();
>>>>>>>>>> if (this.annotationValueMap.containsKey(VALUE)) {
>>>>>>>>>> + String qn = decl.getQualifiedName();
>>>>>>>>>> for (Object value : (List)
>>>>>>>>>> this.annotationValueMap.get(VALUE)) {
>>>>>>>>>> Map nestedAnnotationValueMap = (Map) value;
>>>>>>>>>> - renderings.add(new
>>>>>>>>>> RendersInfo(nestedAnnotationValueMap));
>>>>>>>>>> + renderings.add(new
>>>>>>>>>> RendersInfo(nestedAnnotationValueMap, qn));
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -60,15 +61,28 @@
>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>> static public class RendersInfo {
>>>>>>>>>> + static String RENDERER_CLASS = "rendererClass";
>>>>>>>>>> static String RENDERER_TYPE = "rendererType";
>>>>>>>>>> static String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "componentFamily";
>>>>>>>>>> Map annotationValueMap;
>>>>>>>>>> + String className;
>>>>>>>>>> + /**
>>>>>>>>>> + * The renderer class (the qualified name by default).
>>>>>>>>>> + */
>>>>>>>>>> + public String getRendererClass() {
>>>>>>>>>> + if
>>>>>>>>>> (this.annotationValueMap.containsKey(RENDERER_CLASS)) {
>>>>>>>>>> + return (String)
>>>>>>>>>> this.annotationValueMap.get(RENDERER_CLASS);
>>>>>>>>>> + }
>>>>>>>>>> + return this.className;
>>>>>>>>>> + }
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>>> * The renderer type.
>>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>>> Index:
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> RCS file:
>>>>>>>>>> /cvs/woodstock/annotations/processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/,v
>>>>>>>>>> retrieving revision 1.2
>>>>>>>>>> diff -u -r1.2
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> 9 Jun 2007 13:35:41 -0000 1.2
>>>>>>>>>> +++
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/
>>>>>>>>>> 31 Aug 2007 21:28:08 -0000
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -197,6 +197,30 @@
>>>>>>>>>> this.declaredComponentSet.add(componentInfo);
>>>>>>>>>> this.declaredClassMap.put(typeDecl.getQualifiedName(),
>>>>>>>>>> componentInfo);
>>>>>>>>>> typeInfo = componentInfo;
>>>>>>>>>> + // Check to see if this annotation
>>>>>>>>>> also specifies a Renderer
>>>>>>>>>> + Object rendererClass =
>>>>>>>>>> annotationValueMap.get("rendererClass");
>>>>>>>>>> + if ((rendererClass != null)
>>>>>>>>>> + &&
>>>>>>>>>> !rendererClass.toString().equals("")) {
>>>>>>>>>> + // Create the "Renders" Map
>>>>>>>>>> + Map renders = new HashMap();
>>>>>>>>>> + renders.put("rendererClass",
>>>>>>>>>> rendererClass);
>>>>>>>>>> + Object type =
>>>>>>>>>> annotationValueMap.get("tagRendererType");
>>>>>>>>>> + if ((type == null) ||
>>>>>>>>>> type.toString().equals("")) {
>>>>>>>>>> + type =
>>>>>>>>>> annotationValueMap.get("type");
>>>>>>>>>> + }
>>>>>>>>>> + renders.put("rendererType", type);
>>>>>>>>>> + ArrayList families = new
>>>>>>>>>> ArrayList();
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> families.add(annotationValueMap.get("family"));
>>>>>>>>>> + renders.put("componentFamily",
>>>>>>>>>> families);
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> + List list = new ArrayList();
>>>>>>>>>> + list.add(renders);
>>>>>>>>>> + Map rendererMap = new HashMap();
>>>>>>>>>> + rendererMap.put("value", list);
>>>>>>>>>> + DeclaredRendererInfo rendererInfo =
>>>>>>>>>> + new
>>>>>>>>>> DeclaredRendererInfo(rendererMap, (ClassDeclaration) typeDecl);
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> this.declaredRendererSet.add(rendererInfo);
>>>>>>>>>> + }
>>>>>>>>>> } else if
>>>>>>>>>> (typeDecl.getAnnotation(Renderer.class) != null) {
>>>>>>>>>> // This is a renderer class
>>>>>>>>>> Map<String,Object> annotationValueMap =
>>>>>>>>>> Index:
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/generator/FacesConfig.template
>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> RCS file:
>>>>>>>>>> /cvs/woodstock/annotations/processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/generator/FacesConfig.template,v
>>>>>>>>>> retrieving revision 1.2
>>>>>>>>>> diff -u -r1.2 FacesConfig.template
>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/generator/FacesConfig.template
>>>>>>>>>> 17 Feb 2007 23:50:09 -0000 1.2
>>>>>>>>>> +++
>>>>>>>>>> processor/src/com/sun/faces/mirror/generator/FacesConfig.template
>>>>>>>>>> 31 Aug 2007 21:28:08 -0000
>>>>>>>>>> @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
>>>>>>>>>> <renderer>
>>>>>>>>>> <component-family>${componentFamily}</component-family>
>>>>>>>>>> <renderer-type>${rendering.rendererType}</renderer-type>
>>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>>> <renderer-class>${rendererInfo.qualifiedName}</renderer-class>
>>>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>>>> <renderer-class>${rendering.rendererClass}</renderer-class>
>>>>>>>>>> </renderer>
>>>>>>>>>> #end
>>>>>>>>>> #end
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