I've been doing evaluations of 3rd party component libraries for a few weeks
now, and Woodstock is one that my group really likes.
I do have a question on performance though. Specifically with the table,
but I'm guessing we'd see this as we got into other components, they seem to
be sluggish. A little bit of detective work on my end points the finger at
getting all the js files.
On a fairly basic table, 20-30 items loaded from an in memory list, sorting
takes about three seconds from click to final render. Most if this time is
spend on just over 40 separate GET calls to get the various js files at
about 30-45ms each (local network, server is a pretty new solaris 10 box,
should be more than enough horse power).
Is there any way to preload/cache/inline these js files? I thought IE and
Firefox would cache the js after the first load, but it looks like the dojo
library is actually making the calls.
This is a pretty big deal in terms of company adoption of Woodstock. Any
ideas would be appreciated.
Steven Bell