Project Woodstock 4.0.2 Safari Test Results

From: Cathy Mucci <Catherine.Mucci_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 11:17:51 -0400

I recently completed testing of the Project Woodstock 4.0.2 components
using the MAC Safari browser. I wanted to share my testing
observations with this alias.

The following list only identifies the differences seen in the
component look and feel, and behavior, when comparing Mozilla 1.7 to
Safari 1.2.3(v125.9).

Please let me know if there are any questions.
Thank you,
Cathy Mucci

- Button edges are rounded.

- Checkbox and corresponding text alignment is off slightly.

- Primary and Primary-mini button color is not correct.

- Drop down menu edges are rounded.

- Selected Checkbox background color is blue.

- Selected RadioButton background color is blue.

- Selected text fields have bold blue borders.

- Vertical scrolling bar is rounded and color varies for the text areas.

- Text Area has a shaded vertical bar on the right. This is not seen
with Mozilla (ie address field that scrolls once a fourth line is added).
   ~ For the label example (address field) -- scrolling is not
enabled in a text field what is originally visible.

- Drop Down Menu arrows on right corner are blue.

- Table Column sizing off - The Table Example: the checkbox column is
large on safari whereas only big enough to host the checkbox on moz.

- Add Remove/OrderableList example results page:
   ~ The table header is shorter than the actual table width.
- Add Remove selected list item shading color is different (blue).

- File/Folder Chooser:
     ~ list of files and folders looks pretty bad:
        1. no fixed columns
        2. text field header extends beyond the text field itself
     ~ there is a partially hidden text field displayed behind the
sort-by menu.

- Menu and List disable menu and list option test case did not work.
However I was able to disable the menus.

- Property Sheet:
    ~ jump links are not aligned.
    ~ within property sheet (table section), the table header does not
span he entire table as it should.

- Tree:
   ~ Node highlighting spans a larger area (height wise) than Moz.
   ~ tree in a frame layout (navTree.jsp):
       1. The frame borders are not visible.
       2. The node highlighting is larger (height again) than moz and
also in that of a non-frame layout.
       3. For the client-side navigation example, the Nodes cannot be
       4. javascript error displayed/dismissed three times. The error
is: DynaFaces already defined!
       5. Clicking the "Back to Tree Example Index" breadcrumb the
first time does not bring you back to the example, but redisplays this
example with only two-frames visible (top and right). Click it a
second time and you return to the tree example index page.

- Wizard:
   ~ The bar at the bottom of the wizard popup (containing
previous|next|cancel) does not span the entire popup.
   ~ When you click on help/steps tab in left frame, the bar at the
bottom becomes smaller in size to fit just beyond this left frame. The
Previous/Next/Cancel buttons are now displayed vertically.

- Calendar:
   ~ Large white box in the calendar header where today's date is

- Tab:
   ~ Tab alignment with the bar (indicating tab/page separation) is
off a bit.