[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: JSR 356 - Maintenance Release Draft - WEBSOCKET_SPEC-226

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:49:47 +0200

Please provide any feedback by COB Friday - 5/30/2014. We plan to send
this to JCP in the first week of June to start the 30 day review period
for this MR.


On 21/05/14 11:22, Pavel Bucek wrote:
> Hi all,
> as you might have noticed, I filed blocker bug against WEBSOCKET_SPEC
> project - [1].
> The main issue is that current Session.addMessageHandler method cannot
> handle message handlers in form of lambda expressions, because there
> is no information about its generic type parameter available. We
> discussed this issue with Brian Goetz and he pointed out that current
> API is wrong not only for this case, but also for more complicated
> generics usages and is reliable only for anonymous classes created
> directly from MessageHandler.Whole and MessageHandler.Partial (type
> information is in the generated class file), so the issue itself is
> not limited only to Java SE 8.
> We think that this issue is important enough to fix it in a
> Maintenance Release as soon as possible, not tied to Java EE 8
> planning or anything else.
> Proposed solution is to add two additional Session.addMessageHandler
> methods with explicit type information, please see [2] for more
> complete description. I also attached updated version of the
> specification document. There is only one addition - last paragraph in
> chapter 2.1.3 "Receiving Messages" and the sample code in chapter
> 2.1.4 "Sending Messages" was modified to use the newly introduced
> addMessageHandler method with explicit type.
> Complete change diff can be seen here [3] (but it contains lots of
> noise - spec licence etc; changes.txt should be good enough for
> evaluation).
> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks and regards,
> Pavel
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]: